"Stop Saying Sorry For"

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2 years ago
Topics: Experiencies
May 24,2022
#34 Blog

Hello everyone i hope you all is In a good condition today,Earlier ive watch news and sadly another new virus is spreading now called "MONKEY FOX"..Its scary covid isnt even gone yet and now a new virus appeared again?huhuhu.When will this suffering end,i really miss old Life.I hope it doesn't spread anymore,So please Let's all be careFul.Lets follow the protocols and Also avoid going to crowded places.lets be doubly careful for our safety!

Back To my Topic

Stop Saying sorry For

  • Being busy and Owning your time

Being busy and owning my time is a natural ,Like me as a mother of course my all attention is always at my Child,its ok if i run out of time everyday as long as i take good care of her.

  • Setting boundaries for your self

I know to myself how far i can really go,like if i want something but i know i cant do it ,i just didnt force myself.Because someday it will come,like the one you like or you want will you get it,so you dont need to force yourself you need to wait.As long as you're willing to wait,you'll get what you want.Everything has a limit.

  • Not being perfect always

Everyone is not perfect we all make mistakes don't we?

And i accept it,Actually there are also others who think they are perfect.I admit that i have done many mistakes and i do not hide it.We are only human beings who make mistakes.

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To my Sponsors LoveLots thank you Always

  • Crying or showing Emotions

Im very Related this,because im a "Iyakin Person"Hahaha,likes when someone told me a word that i dont like or looks likes they are angry at me ,it makes me cry!Even when i watch dramas and then the crying part of story,im also shedding tears hahaha.So sometimes i dont watch dramas when im with my husband cause he laughs at me when he sees my tears Fall.He teases me even more.So i just avoid watching.

I also remeber when i was a sales lady at a Bakery before i was at night shift that time.A man approached,he was known to be there in that place because that man was too vicious. 1Am at that time they were drinking near at the store .When they ran out of alcohol,he came to the store and told me that he would borrow first.But i didnt give it to him because my Boss might be scold me.

And i was shocked because the man suddenly punched the wall.I was so scared at that time ,i just cried in fear.Good thing that our baker man was there inside His sleeping ,and i woke him up ,because i didnt know what to do anymore .What i did is i hide inside i am really afraid to that man .I wouldn't come out i waited to that person to leave first.

Thats all for today ,thank you guys for reading!

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$ 0.41 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago
Topics: Experiencies


dun ako sa iyakin sis haha.. hindi naman talaga dapat i hingi ng sorry yun kasi hindi natin maiwasan na maging emotional..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

true pero kasi yng iba iniisip nila na subrang OA kana,🤣

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2 years ago