What do you expect other than a fat wallet...?
Every man has a dream or had a dream of keeping their wallet fat, so have achieved it, some are still working tirelessly, some are have accepted their fate and have gotten tired of trying while some have never done nothing but to complain.
The Way to success is through work, whether it's work -someone does for you, you do for yourself, you do through people or you met already done, all that matters is that the returns comes to your wallet.
Keeping the wallet fat is also a challenge. Spending is vital, expenses are like slim teas. Whether a fat wallet or thin one, all wallets drink expenses or rather I should say Expens-tea.
Categorically, little do we know how our neighbours have done it, how that uncle has remained rich, what he has gone through, what he's going through and what he is about to step into. But our desire to be in that same shoe without plans over works our wallet.
Spending unnecessarily money earned by hard means. Is an extra adversity on a wallet.
So here are a few tips-
Sleep less but sleep well
Work smart and minute time by asking for help on work when necessary
Request for advice from people who have what you want to get
Be smart with whom you share you ideas with and those who you pay for help
Keep away from unsure fast routes to wealth
Meditate about what you want and how to get it for at least 30min every night before you sleep, and when you wake up jot down what ever idea comes to your mind and review afterwards.
Keep smiling and know that good times are coming
Pray for yourself, those before you, those around you and those coming after you
Think smart, Think safe
Content by @Zizi
Kisses to @mazee Regards to @Phronesis Thank you to @Read.Cash
At time not all work pays. The Yoruba's use to say "Ise ko lowo" meaning work isn't money, especially in Nigeria.