Golden Rules Of Crypto Trading

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1 year ago

"The future of money is digital currency." ~Bill Gates

Howdy my read dot cash family!!!

I hope you are doing well and enjoying your day. The rapid progress and worldwide crypto adoption making digital money, crypto trading and investment center of attention large number of people. Crypto Currency is being adopted in March, 2022 in Pakistan. While Pakistani hots, activist and crypto expert/entrepreneur worked hard for crypto promotion among youth of the state.

I was introduced to crypto currency in August, 2022 when I joined noise dot cash and read dot cash. I was so excited to explore advance features of crypto currency like trading and investment. Few days back I had My Trading Experience With Binance App. If you want to know more about it read here.

I am doing short term profits trading with Bitcoin Cash, PHA, BNB and want to further my portfolio with addition of Sushi, ICP & MATIC.

Today's blog I am going to share with you "Golden Rules Of Crypto Trading"

Let me defined you two terms before heading forward to the main blog.

Bear Crypto Market :

"A market in which prices and worth of the assets dropped."

Bull Crypto Market :

"A market in which prices and worth of the assets increase and rise."

Without further ado let's begins main blog!!

Never Invest More Than You Afford To Lose :

Most important feature of Crypto Currency is volatility. Crypto Market is unpredictable and unexpected could be happened any time. That's why don't put your savings into trading. Always start trading with your extra money that you can afford to lose.

Almost 2 days ago, I add 50 USD worth of BCH when BCH stands at 117 USD, but in next moment it started to dropped 100 USD. I lost huge amount from my investing amount for a short time. While I am hopeful to recover the lose later on.

Cover Other Financial Bases First :

Before putting your assets into trading cover other financial bases. Pay your, rents, dues, salary of employees and other debts. Because it wouldn't be favorable to withdraw your investment any moment because the market could be facing bear.

Diversify Your Assets :

Never make your investment in one Coin to stay safe from huge loss. Always try to choose different coins to full your portfolio and earn profit for you.

Think Long Term :

It's good to get short time profit from trading but always have some assets for long term profits. Supposed you had 10 Bitcoin Cash in your portfolio for short term profits and You had 10 BCH for long time profit. After passage of time you HODL BCH, you can get BCH worth around 2000$ and more.

Research :

Research is the basic tool of successful trading. Before investment in cryptocurrency trading, research and observe the crypto currency you choose to trade. Monitor it's ups, dawn and flaws, transfer fee etc.

Preclude Remarks

"The more you learn, the more you earn."

You will found me quoting above lines in my writing alot of time because of my personal experience. I found myself more capable of earn, when I am willing to learn. Always practice new things, trading, investment and digital skills because practice makes a man perfect. Always considered above rules before trading.

Disclaimer :

This article is wrote for educational purpose. This is not financial advisor and not I am financial and investment advisors. Always do your own research before trading and investment.

Thank you so much for reading my article.

$ 1.22
$ 1.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.03 from @TheGuy
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1 year ago


I hope you will get what did you lost and even will get more.

That was a very useful and informative guide. appreciated your efforts

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I learned a lot from this especially the part where you emphasized not using our capital money for trading. Truly, the more you learn, the more you earn.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The first law is always the first...DO NOT INVEST WHAT YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LOOSE. This is a good warning but Oftentimes, a lot of us bypass the law because of greed

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's great for you my friend, always trying the best to learn new thing with cautions. Good luck on your trading journey.

$ 0.00
1 year ago