Heart health tips
Please be careful with my heart. A famous line for lovers and also one of my favorite song sang by one and only Josie Marie Chan. But I'm not writing to talk about my love life besides I don't have one :) Lol
Let's talk about some steps for a better heart health.
Taking care of our heart is vital it serves as the powerhouse to your whole body. That's the reason why it's important to provide it with care and attention.
For someone like me who used to wake up late because of insomnia or overthinking things at night. Or for someone who have a busy schedule ahead of them (Sana all) For those who don't have enough time to go to the gym for fitness. Or maybe just tired of doing some exercises.
I have here some small tips on how to take care of your heart. I've been practicing these for quite some time.
• Breathe Deeply
Try breathing slowly and deeply for a few minutes each day. It helps you relax and lower blood pressure. You can do this tips the moment you wake up while sitting. Or the moment you have a free time. Breathing deeply helps oxygenate your muscles which is good to your heart.
• Take a 10-minute walk
Walking is great!
It's a great way to start if you don't exercise at all. You can take the dog out if you have a dog, Go for relaxing stroll. It can fight weight gain to improve heart health. Walking reduces stress, Clear your mind and can boost your mood.
• Eat one extra fruit or vegetables a day.
These are inexpensive, it also taste good and yummy also this is good for your brain. As we know, the Nutrients and fiber make them heart healthy.
• Try the fruits of the sea
Instead of eating red meat try eating fish or other seafood once a week. It's good for the heart, our brain and waistline.
• Make breakfast count
Have some fruit and a serving of whole grains like oatmeal or whole wheat toast.
• Wash your hands often
Scrubbing up with soap and water several times throughout the day. Flu and other infections can be very hard on the heart.
• Count your blessings
Living is a gift so take a moment each day to thank and acknowledge the blessings in your life. Start with positive emotions which leads you to better health. Negative emotions like anger, worry contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease.
Small daily activities such as cleaning the house doing laundry and running errands can add up to better brain health.
Remember that a risk to your heart is a risk at your brain.
What else can you do to make your heart healthy? Please leave a comment below : )
See you tomorrow!
Disclaimer: All the following is presented as personal opinion and does not mean to be medical /health advice.
I really love fish but I don't know why I vomit it anytime I eat it and currently I hardly eat fish. Nice to meet you