"My Ever so Popular Distraction: My Phone"

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For years I've been struggling to keep my time on my phone kept in check. And easily I get distracted on multiple occasions. Whether it's when I'm supposed to do something else. I always end up spending those allotted time using my phone instead.

And here goes my mishaps when I get distracted by my "oh so loving" phone.

Oh and here's a fun fact for you.

For us, Filipinos, whenever we get sick or something or some parts of our body hurts, and we complain about it. The first thing our Mom's blames or suspects is, the frequent use of our phones.

Yes, you read that right. It sounds hilarious but that was the only thing our Mom blames.

I really couldn't understand why at first, but as te went on, I actually realised she was right in a way. We all know for sure, that usage of phones for excessive hours is not healthy. Let alone being distracted by it.

And by distracted, I'm not only saying once or twice but a couple of times. Like for example, every now and then, my Papa would often tell me to cook rice. And whenever I'm done rinsing the rice and once I put the pot on the stove, I quickly go back to my usual routine. That is scrolling through my phone. Or going about Facebook and stuff. Or even spend time on noise.cash.

That kinda distracts me for a bit, and then I turned around, because I smell so thing was burning, then I saw that my rice was burnt. Not thoroughly but gosh, I still got scolded by my Papa haha.

And that wasn't even the worst, one time, I was filling up the washing machine with water, because I wanted to wash my laundry. And then i turn for a second, so if I could just get updates on my phone. Then before I know it, I lost track of time.

Then you might've guess it.

The water in the washing machine rushed out. It flooded the kitchen area. Thankfully, I somehow got alerted that it was flooding there by my kiddo who loves to play with water. I quickly got up from the couch and put my phone aside and quickly rushed to clean up the mess before my Papa came home. And I did just that, and managed to finish my laundry too.

If you think that was worst, well no.

Actually it happened about a week ago I think. Because of my excessive use of phone sometimes, I get this lapses in my memory that I swore I thought I've done my task already, only to find out I did not.

You guys get my point?

Well, it goes like this. One night I was happily cooking dinner. Then I looked at the time on my phone and I thought it's a bit early to get the goats in. (And yes, my Papa has 3 goats to be exact. Which he made me kinda gather them every afternoon or at nights when he isn't able to go home and get them himself.)

Then time passed I think like two hours so as to say. He got home, drove his motorcycle as usual. Went in, and passed out in his bed. Then I was there at the table eating dinner. I usually eat dinner late. But this time it was really late. And by that time, I was kind of in the middle of thinking that I got the goats in. And it was like 10 or 11 pm.

And my Papa has this weird thing going, that he always checks whether or not I'm done having dinner or something. And then he asked if I got the goats in. That's when I felt like I got back into my body. And my nerves were kicking in. And I was like "What? You haven't got them in yet?"

Yeah crazy, I know.

To be honest I really don't know why I reacted that way. When it was clearly my job to let them in when Papa forgets. And I totally forgot, all because I got distracted by my phone haha.

Then I presented to get them and I was just like dashing from my house to the lot where he'd have tied the goats at. And they were screaming like crazy when they saw me. Probably they really wanted to go home too, because I don't know they're probably scared of the dark I think.

But anyway, I was kind of like rushing things out because it's way past the curfew time. And I don't want to get in trouble over this. And quite frustrating though is when I get to untie the other big one he would march home right away, so I had to tug onto his rope to be able to let the other one free. The little one's rope is kinda lose anyways because he would often go with the adults, saving me the trouble of tugging three goats home.

And finally, I arrived home safely, and without the usual patrol car patrolling in our subdivision. But really, I could literally hear my pounding in my chest as I raced to untie them before anyone noticed I was outside at that time. Though probably everyone's asleep by that time already. Because in our neighbourhood or subdivision by the time struck 9 or so, and no store is open anymore, everyone would just sleep.

But hey, atleast I wasn't distracted by my phone that time right?


To end this I would want to convey to you guys, never ever let your phones distract you. While my mishaps might have been harmless to me in a way. But who knows what could happen to you. So make sure to supervise your usage of phones. And always when you're doing something or you're like supposed to, make sure you finished them first before going back to your phone.

Also when crossing streets or something like that. Please pay extra attention to where you're going. Like I saw in the movie "Soul". The main character got into the "Soul World" in the first place, was because he wasn't paying attention to where he's going. And landed in a "manhole" in the middle of a busy street. Oh and btw, if you hadn't watched it yet. Make sure to do so, because the movie has a lot of lessons to offer.

Also if you're interested in sponsoring me for my upcoming articles. That would be awesome. So make sure to hit the button below.

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed your time reading this.

Have a wonder day.

This is my entry to miss @JonicaBradley 's Prompt "Distraction". If you're interested to write for it too.

The rules are quite simple though:

  1. Write anything about "Distraction".

  1. Make sure it's a 100% original content

  2. Tag miss @JonicaBradley

  3. Submit to PromptlyJonica community.

  4. Lastly have fun.

And oh it definitely has no time limit as per miss @JonicaBradley says. So take all your time in writing. And enjoy. Have a great day ya'll.

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Sis, totoo yung sinabi mo, laging tampulan ng sisi ang phone :)..pag matigas ang ulo ng anak, yung phone ang sisisihin. Pag nagmadali ang anak sa utos, kasalanan din ng phone. Pag medyo nabingi ang anak at di nagets agad ang utos, kasalanan pa din ni Phone :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Finally may naka kita din hahaha. Nilaga ko talaga yan kasi ganyang ganyan din si mama madalas kapag nagka sakit kami o di kaya ay hindi narinig agad ang utos niya haha. Lahat yan talaga kasalanan ng phone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Relate na relate ako jan kasi ganyan ako sa mga anak ko.. Ahahahaha...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha kaya pala relate na relate ka sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

korek ka dyan sister.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's make me laugh especially that you forgot your 3 goats haha. I experience that too when I forgot that I was cooking I cook fried fish that time. I enjoying scrolling on facebook that make me forgot the fish. When I checked it's too late the fish is already burned . My father is really angry on me 100% so I learned from that experience when I cook I'm not using my phone. Time to charge muna hahah.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha glad I wasn't the only with the mishaps in the kitchen haha. Yeah, we should never use phones when cooking because it can easily distract us. Thus resulting in our cooking burnt haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol....I am laughing hardly to know about the way your phone distracted you always. The meal was burnt and water was flowing from machine...all this was hilarious but I can understand the reaction of your father lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha I've burnt the rice a couple of times really. But not thorough, we could still consume the top part because only the bottom was burnt. But I think I have actually burnt it to the extent that it was really not consumable. So I had to cook another batch.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Phones are terrible in a way, yes it is very easy to get distracted and have an accident!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're definitely right. I quite have a lot of mishaps because of the phone. And these are just a few haha. Anyhow, thank you for dropping by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago