Nothing beats The Power Of Acceptance

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1 year ago
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Living in a world where everyone lives a life different from reality is something we are used to. Trying to be an eagle when all they could be is a butterfly.

I know most times it is the power of motivational speeches trying to control our lives but the truth still remains, nothing beats the power of acceptance.

In my opinion before you could actually make progress you need to first accept yourself for who you are. Seeing yourself like a millionaire won't work the magic you want but seeing yourself as someone who is broke will. 

To my Christian brethren who are familiar with the story of the prodigal son. The first step to regain his dignity was to realize his present state,  he had to face reality before he could rise again. In his own words he said "I will arise and go to my father" he didn't wait for his father to come to him nor did he wait for his father to send food to him. He had to realise he was wrong and make a move.

Let's imagine, he never did because he was the son of a wealthy man, things wouldn't have changed for him. No wonder God said "call unto me and I will answer you" the logic behind it is, only a man who is in need will request for help. Don't allow motivational talks to cloud your mind from understanding the power of acceptance. You do have to accept your weakness before you can turn it to strength. 

I am not countering the power of positive saying but all I am stressing is never allow your mind wander from accepting who you are. I still remember one day after an appointment with a patient, I diagnosed her with Congestive Cardiac Failure but due to her belief of rejecting illness and doctor's diagnosis she died a few months later. Not because we were not capable of treating her but because she failed to accept her fate. 

You can not treat an illness you don't have, it is never possible to get a job when you are still employed. The power of acceptance is all you need to drive you towards your goals.  You think it is wrong to accept your present state right, why then did you accept your gender without protesting? No! I am not a male, I am a female or no! I am a male not a female,  a lot of people will think you are running out of mental stability or is that the only time we could really appreciate the power of acceptance?

Accepting your present condition is not an excuse not to be a better person but should be a source of motivation to skyrocket you to the top. A man who continues living under the words of a motivational speaker without first accepting his current condition is only wasting his time. There are no two ways to success: accept what you don't have and aim for what you want. You cannot picture yourself as a king when in reality you are a servant. Most times how we see ourselves matters a lot and has a great influence on who we will become. 

Accept yourself for who you are and work towards becoming a better person. The tactics in becoming successful is analyzing your weakness, accepting them and working to make amends. Imagine a footballer who after playing his matches, doesn't sit to get reviews from his coach but goes about with the notion of i am the best and nothing can beat that. With time, he may begin to go down in his career peak because he has failed to accept his mistakes and do the needed corrections. 

My dear, the month is still young, how you started doesn't matter but how you want to end it does. Will you accept your mistakes of last month and make necessary corrections or do you just want to begin on a clean slate? What if you make the same mistake again?  

Think twice but always remember before you become successful, you must first accept your present situation.


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1 year ago


When I was younger, I hated my body because it doesn't look nice but the time came when I fully embraced it. I started researching about the kind of clothes that suit my body type and it worked. There are things in life that we don't have any control over so instead of being in denial, we should accept it and do something about it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're right my friend. We should accept who we are so that we can commit the freedom, happiness and peace of mind.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

But most people are scared if accepting themselves.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes that's true my friend. Mostly people having a hard time with that. I hope they will realize.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Even faith doesn't deny the reality of things but faith rises in spite of the reality. When we have faith, we have faith to overcome what we have seen as unpleasant and what we means we know they are there...we know they are real and we choose to just raise our faith. That's why I enjoyed your words so much...we need to accept ourselves first. Accepting ourselves means we understand the reality of what we are facing and we believe that in spite of it, it would end well. We need to accept who we are only then can we work on what's not working and learn to embrace what works.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

All what you said makes a lot of sense to me right now. Thank you for this great display of wisdom.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am more than happy to share. Your post make a lot of sense and I really enjoyed it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are on point. Self believe is the best . Some people need to go back to their drawing board , accept who they are and try to make the best out of it

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I like how you referred to it as their drawing board. Thanks for stopping by

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Always welcome

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I really believe that acceptance is power. If you never allow yourself to accept all the possibilities, you cannot go farther. In order for you to move forward, you need to accept all your flaws and imperfections and accept the things who at what you are. Accepting of what it was, may motivate you to be better and move on.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are right my dear but most people try to shy away from who there are just because they don't want to be addressed as failures

$ 0.00
1 year ago

you're right my dear, they are afraid to show others and to themselves that they failed and address them as weak also.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Which is wrong. We need to be weak so we could be strong.

$ 0.00
1 year ago