Stubborn Love Part 1

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2 years ago

The end of every summer days,there comes a time when people are get into different kind of adventures and vacation every summer.Shiela was a very beautiful lady came from an old city whose very passionate in taking care of her grandmother who is 89 years,she washed her poof,she take her into bath,she comb her hair and feed her everyday.She never finished her school which she somehow felt a little bit of regret,but she's very thankful that she had a chance to have her grandmother Lena.

One day,there was a man who came in town and wants to find a house to be rent,because his family had a vacation at the end of the month.And he ended up beside Shiela's old house

The man bring her kids ,and they have bring their things that they needed while they were there.

Shiela was an intelligent lady and knows how to play violin,she used to play it to comfort her grandmother when it has a mood swing.

One night,the man heard her playing the violin, and he opened the window and saw her face which the light of the moon reflects on her face.He touches his heart and felt that it beats fast while he saw her.

On the next morning,the man who name Joey,he is a widow,and his kids have planned to have a picnic outside the house and have a barbecue and swimming on the pool.So,he prepared everything and the kids were already outside.

One of her daughter named Shane was a very bright girl and is very fun of playing her frisbie disc with her brother.When her brother throw the disc it get inside into Shiela's room because her window was opened every morning.

Shane run into this father's back and hide ,she was afraid that the lady next door will scold her.Her dad told her,"what's wrong darling?".No dad,nothing.But her eyes were almost to shed tears.

And the lady came out on the window and bring her disc towards them,and said,"hey little girl,is this yours?"The girl answered ina very small voice,"yes,it's mine."

"Hi!,I'm Shane's father,Joey".Hi ,Joey,I'm Shiela,living next door."Yeah ,I know."

Shiela gave the disc to Shane's father and she turned back to her house with a smile.

On that night,Shiela was on her bed beside her grandma,and she cannot sleep because she felt something hot.And she get out on her bed and go to the garden beside her house and play her violin.

On the other hand,Joey was not sleeping already and he heard the very beautiful music and he get out from his bed,and opened his window,he saw Sheila again,that her hair was sway by the wind,and close her eyes while holding her violin.But Joey didn't noticed that his younger child was looking at her,with a smiling face,and kinikilig.

"Joey felt that his in love with the lady,and she could t resist to see her and watch her beautiful face everyday.

Early in the morning,Joey and her kids have heard a very loud voice and it seems that someone is crying.

"Oh no, grandma,don't leave me,don't leave me please!"huhuhuuuhuuuuu

Shiela grandma died on that night,and it's been buried early in the morning.Joey wasn't able to go with Shiela's house because he was very busy with his kids and worked at home.

But Joey have observed that the window of Sheila's room was opened for few days,he didn't know what happened to her,but his thinking that the lady was just mourning because her grandmother died,but Joey keep on waiting with Sheila to play her violin in the night,but he didn't heard it anymore.

At the end of the month,after the summer break,Joey's family had to go back to their hometown because the kids needs to go to school.They pack their things and put it at the back of the car.Joey was looking at Sheila's but it's still close,so,he knock her door many time,but there's no one answering him.And there's a woman who shout on the next door,"Sheila was not already there,she leave her house after her grandmother died."Okay,thank you,Joey replied.

So,Joey and her kids have start to travel going to their hometown.While they were riding on the car,Joey was keep looking outside ,just to see if he can see Sheila on the street.

And Joey was not mistaken,He saw Sheila beside the tree,her dress was messy and looked so tired and she has a can beside her,while playing her violin.It was just a snap,because Joey's car was running too fast,and he wasn't able to go back,because his kids was having tantrums and tired already.

When Joey got home ,he was bothered and keep on thinking to find Shiela,but he needs to cooked and fixed everything for his kids.

And when Joey have finished her worked,he opened her Tv,and turned into a news channel,he was surprised when he saw that Sheila was on tv,and the anchor said,that it was the girl who robbed on a grocery store by using a gun.

On the next morning,Joey was immediately go to the Police headquarters to check if the lady was still there.And he asked the officers on the desk,and find out that Sheila is detained on that place.He said,that he want to talked to Sheila.

On a close room,Joey have waited for Sheila for a few minutes and then she came.

"Hi,there!,Oh,Joey,how are you.

"Im fine,Joey said.How come did you get here in prisoned?

"Life has taught me Joey,I'm depressed after my grandmother died,I think of myself,that I am just alone and have no one is there for me.I go somewhere and explore many things ,just to make myself okay and have fun,but I ended up here.But it's okay,as long as I have roof and free food to eat everyday.I don't need to work for myself or find a job.

"But this place shouldn't be your last destination,you deserved better than this",Joey said.Your beautiful ,talented and a good woman.

"But I have no one ,Joey!,How could I be happy?When I am just alone ,in my room,when I eat,and when I sleep at night."

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you Sheila,I will help you get out from here".

"No,you should not do that!,I won't let you!".

"But I'm willing to help you !".

"Just go!,Go...!

"Okay,okay,I'm gonna go now!

Joey get out on that room and saw Sheila's violin beside on Sheila's bed,he was glad that the violin was still there for her.

Sheila have become a lawbreaker,and get in and get out on a jail for how many times.And Joey was following on her,when she get caught.

Joey never stop to check on her on jail,when she get caught again.And when Joey came to Sheila's detention cell,Sheila was playing her violin while she cries.

Joey felt pity for Sheila because she was like a lost sheep in the dessert and need someone to help her out on that misery .

Joey was a hopeful man,and is willing to be a guardian angel for Sheila.She didn't know that Joey always paid her bail so that she can get out on prison,because Joey was a lawyer. be continue..........

This is a free writing story.

Thank you dearest sponsors ,upvoters,commenters and co writers.

Have a good day!

Published January 7,2022
Lead image from Unsplash

$ 2.48
$ 2.42 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @charmingcherry08
$ 0.02 from @Marinov
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2 years ago


How compassionate Joey is to Sheila. I hope everyone is like him

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes,he is not just in love but also a good man.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its sad that sheila lost her gramdmom.. I hope sue finds happiness soon

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am cultivating my mind what will be the next happening of this story ,,thanks for always seeing you here in the comment box,I really appreciate that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yu welcome dear. ☺

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Waiting ako sa part 2 ate

$ 0.00
2 years ago