Running errands today
Close the door
Headed my way
Hold the fruit loops!
Where are my keys?
In my pockets
Butterfiles and bees!
I forgot my mask!
Had to go back
Not a superhero
To hide the identity
But now, it's the worlds form of safety
Dont be stubborn
It might be air borne
Spray some sanitizer
Check your temperature
Dissenfect thoroughly
You don't want it in inside your lungs
Careful outside
In the surface they might reside
Out in the public
No longer prolific
If everyone won't mind spacing
At the grocery store
Where did the toilet paper went?
Few supplies then I have to pay rent
All the frustrations
Ain't caused by the traffic
It's all brought by this pandemic
In a small bottle, a vaccine to send
Here's the price, how much do I spend?
Do you have some money, if so, can I lend?
One thing for sure, I want this pandemic to end.
We all pray that and oh, don't forget the face shield!😘