Plan A Vacation For Yourself

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It doesn't have to be exclusive, it doesn't have to be simple neither, the main essence isn't to flaunt or proof you can pay for an expensive treat, rather just to take a time out from the stress and relax, you've very much deserved it, moreover the vacation isn't forever, neither would it show that you're not serious with your life, its a mere show of happiness for yourself and probably your loved one if there is enough to get an extra. Sometimes it's beneficial to your health and mind that you get a rest, and not just the casual resting, a really good rest in a nice location.

Especially as adults we truly go through a lot, everyday we wake up to the hustle for better living, finding that cash to help settle all that there is to settle and you can only wonder and ask when would it all stop, when would I be able to rest from this stress and just start enjoying my hard earn money and it feels like that day isn't any time soon. Some have resulted into schemes to get rich quickly like gambling yet it doesn't pull through for all, many too have decided to put in extra effort on their job but the extra pay still isn't what is needed. Maybe we'll have to bring the vacation closer.

Sometimes I feel real bad knowing my parents didn't get the luxury of going on a vacation and sometimes it strike me deep, like they did dedicate their life thus far in seeing us grow and spend all available resources to cater for our every need. This selfless act shouldn't go unrewarded I know, so this should also come into consideration, by Gods grace I'll be able to take care of them and take them to the best of places. If anyone truly deserves a vacation it should be those people who have gone out of their way just to put a smile on our faces.

Offices can be hectic and stressful sometimes, especially when its Mondays and you realize there are still a whole 4-5 working days remaining to get up early, beat the traffic and do some crazy loads of work, Mondays really messes with our minds most times, we can remember the feeling we get when we know the next day is probably an holiday or a work free day, so we go to bed more relaxed knowing that we can wake and not be in a rush, just lazy around intentionally, enough to catch your breathe and have a deep refreshing of your mind body and soul, oh come on we all need to take a break sometime, we are not the poorest alive.

Remember how on the 7th day God rested, its a call to us all to learn from the greatest worker himself. Its Paramount the mind look up to a fun day, the mere thought of "I might not be resting anytime soon, I might have to work more and cancel and fun time is enough trauma for the mind to take, because we need to be happy, unless work make you happy, which of course I doubt, even the singers of which I know quite enjoy what they do still would want to take sometime off their work to really have fun, how much more the construction workers, the doctors, the teachers.

Already some good jobs already make provision for this, they plan their workers vacation on intervals, not because they are so wealthy but because they understand the importance and what it can do to the minds of the worker. No doubt a workers competent would be more pronounced if he knows there is a treat awaiting him or her. It also helps the company's productivity if its workers are stressed relived, having put away all heavy thoughts and return happy with nice memories to get by each day, hey we are humans not machine that are programmed for work and work alone. So you should plan yourself a time out too.

Now the question of should I go alone or with a pair or group of friends is totally up to you, the main point is happiness, so you go with those who makes you happy. Although its evident that most people like to take their spouses out cause it makes them happier than taking any other person out, more than their selfless parents too, yes I understand why that would be, I know you do so don't ask me, we are all guilty of this fact and I guess its just our nature, our spouses makes us more happy, with the intense feeling to see that person you crazily love happy cause of you would no doubt make you happy too. Either ways never forget those who cared for you too.

I really hope someone would take a break off the stress and catch a gleam of what life has to offer, see natures beauty, the water fall, the mountains, another country if the expense can be sorted out, then why not, but if not it can be going to that local bar and just have a drink, go swimming in a pool, visiting the beach, reading in the evening sun, or paying a visit to friends or lover, go to a place of laughter, anytime to get your mind relax and this energizes you for the works ahead, but then you'll plan another vacation again. Don't take life too serious.

Thanks For Reading.

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With everything thats going on around . It is necessary to take a break and take care of yourself !!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Definitely you are right, so much is going on right now, it's only right we take time out to relax

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think I badly needed a vacation. One day !!

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Truly, loving ourselves through unwinding. πŸ€—

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You know how it is Kleah πŸ’ͺ

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lets love ourselves coz no one willπŸ’›

$ 0.00
2 years ago

With this one I think treating muself for a vacation alone when the pandemic will end.😊It would be a nice vacation.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Lol, I bet so, its good we just take ourselves out sometimes and have the time of our lives.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really need a vacation for myself, I really stress with a lot of problems in life.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yea, we all need to rest off the crazy stress we face daily. ❀

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Heheh I am YET to really push a solo travel. I have done solo local but I wish I could have stayed in the place longer. I agree with you. We need to have a vacation every once in a while.

Or something that breaks our routine. Does not have to be grand. Just needs to disconnect us from the messy reality and be in a rest-filled reality. For a short while.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Absolutely right dear, anything to get our mind off the messy reality for a while. ❀

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi Willtravis.☺️

Yes this is important too. Sometimes we should treat ourselves to give some unwind or relaxation. We must having a time for enjoyment, far away from stress and worries. Thank you for this Willtravis..❀️❀️

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Indeed it's important too to take care of ourselves and just try to relax and have a vacation. Thank you Ramona ❀

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes willtravis.. I love too to travel to have unwind also..πŸ₯° you're always welcome...❀️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, I love this. Thanks for giving me the sign 😁 I've been thinking about going out after a tiring week. I deserved it after all with all the back pains and headaches at work hahaha.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hahaha, yes you deserve it after the much stress you've been through.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really want to go out and have fun but there are people outside πŸ˜…πŸ€ͺπŸ˜…πŸ˜­πŸ˜­ and I don't want to go into the population during pandemic lol. I always escape to watch Paranormal movies or videos, thats my stress relief

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I can relate too, I guess we'll just find fun in the best next possible way now, could be home or at a garden just relaxing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my, i always wished we had garden. I have a couple of plants and watering them relaxes me a great deal.. imagine if we have garden .. the amount of happiness looking at all that green would make anyone so happy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha, the garden is so beautiful and so refreshing at the same time. It'll be lovely to grow a garden.

$ 0.00
2 years ago