How Powerful Is Mark Zuckerberg

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What did you do for the few hours you discovered Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp server was down, I was with some friends of mine and I saw the different response to the issue, and it made me realize how powerful the silent mark Zuckerberg is to the world at large, I also took to Twitter, since it was the next big social media platform where you can meet people and see what's going on, and there I saw how crazy the world went, in few minutes it was already top trending, that is to say, everyone collectively and simultaneously tweeted about the crash, all other topics had to take a back seat.

A friend of mine, was supposed to send item to his friend in another country, and had gone to the courier service responsible for it, now there have been some adjustments and he needed to communicate as soon as possible to his friend so they can know the way forward, and unfortunately all server was down. I don't think you have your friends on your Twitter page, it's more likely you have them on your Facebook or Instagram but not Twitter, you get some no doubt but surely not as much as WhatsApp. So he couldn't communicate with her at all, until he had to call normally, not minding the extra tariff. You could see that he was stressed out just trying to communicate.

Personally, I had rebooted my phone multiple times, I was waiting patiently for a text reply from someone I was having a conversation with, and like a twinkle, I couldn't connect anymore. Oh I was looking for the nearest possible solution, I thought it was my data connection and had to reboot my cell multiple times, just so I can keep connecting with everyone I seriously need to speak to. Infact someone told me he had wasted extra money trying to renew his connections, everyone needed to keep connecting and it was as if our hands were tied. No doubt mark has a strong hold on the youths currently.

So many businesses no doubt didn't find it funny at all, as we have all learnt of the importance of taking our business online cause that way we are open to seeing more customers and at ease of relating at the same time. The platforms which helps us in doing this is no doubt Instagram Facebook and WhatsApp, yes Twitter also, but we rarely have a personal relationship with the vendors, so we prefer to go with those who we have a personal relationship with, and those are the people who has our cell numbers, so we see their daily posts and interact with often. So with the shut down of this social platform, a lot of business owners really did panic, many prayed it was only a dream and unrealistic, well thank God its back to normal.

The level at which mark took control over the social affairs of the world is smart indeed, he's gradually taking monopoly over the social media, not many are frequent with other media platforms like telegram, snapchat, the widely and mostly used are no doubt those affiliated with mark. Smart business move you say. The world today is online, money is online too because the people are online too. The youth of today are more with their phones than they are with at any where else. The teenagers and children are not left out, they too are gradually being addicted to the social platform. And mark owns control of it all.

Today the world saw the usefulness of mark Zuckerberg, I think he deserves a seat among the most influential people in the world today, already he is among the world's richest, but he deserves more no doubt. Where others may get angry at mark for allowing such a fault develop without preparing a counter measures to avert it, there would be other people who would see and learn a business trick or two. Indeed a move like this is worth learning in the business school. Monopolizing the most of his social media platforms and utilizing it better. Zuckerberg is truly a business guru and today the world saw it clearer.

Imagine it took over a day or a week or even a month before the server gets back up and operating, do you know it'll be a world wide cause for concern, I'm pretty everyone would soon find another alternative, but before then they would have been some damages done no doubt, so many money would have been lost, those people who make money from being a social media influencers, those people who have their business online and their customers seated on their social platforms, all these people would have been heard it hotter than others, how about those friendly discussions and photos sharing, it'll really be a cause of concern.

So I ask again, how powerful is mark Zuckerberg, very powerful right, maybe some would have argued that fact, but after the experience today, you may want to think twice before saying mark is not powerful. Hopefully the platforms doesn't crash anymore and keeps operating okay, hopefully also we could get another platform that would be as popular and widely used and not owned by one man so we can have another option if something like this happens again. What do you think about the Incident that happened earlier? How powerful do you think mark Zuckerberg is?

Thanks For Reading.

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I salute Mark Zuckerberg.Imagine he is the youngest billionaire at the age of 29. He created an instant messaging for our family,friends , relatives and all the people around the world. I would say "THANK YOU".

$ 0.03
3 years ago

That's right, truly one person to celebrate, success is just his reward for a job well done.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Undoubtedly a man of great power, it can be said that social networks control the world, whether for work, studies or simply fun, people not having control of the situation easily despair and stress, but they do not have to forget that this power is provided by each of the users of the different platforms.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

That's so right, the social media has a huge hold on the world today.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree. I thought I can't access Fb and Messenger because of the internet connection. I tried disconnecting many times only to find out that they were down. I can't imagine how big the impact is if it did not go back to normal

$ 0.03
3 years ago

I bet if it didn't return to normal the world by now would have been loud with complaints here and there, everyone needs to keep connecting.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree,mark Zuckerberg is very powerful person. I saw how yesterday everyone was disappointed and disturbed when Facebook, what's up and Instagram were lowered for a while.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Hahaha, no one expected it, we panicked and that's was so funny, like what's going to happen now?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very powerful. I hope he will not be wicked. I hope he would use his knowledge and his expertise for the benefit of many.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

We all hope so too, clearly we see how dependent how social operations depends on him to a greater extent.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I will not say he is powerful because only God is powerful. All I can say about Him is that he is brilliant in the fact that he can hold the social media app.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Ok, I understand you, though I didn't mean to compare him to God, he can never be up to that, was only portraying his affluence on us all.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

One of the most influential and powerful man. Yesterday we had a glimpse of it.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Yes, we had a glimpse to show how important he is.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very much powerful I guess. Because he has a hold unto that thing that was already part of us and the economic in general.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

That's right grace, you also did experience the break today, or aren't you much of a social media person

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am not much but I do have Facebook account. I do browse 3 app nowadays, and facebook.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's good and shows discipline to limit your media time consumption, anyways mark still took our Facebook for a while 🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

He had all the right. We shouldn't be mad about it. Life still goes on without I guess it depends on us though it would affect and so much differ but I believe if ever he would took it forever there is much more to come.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree too, if he happens to take it down, I bet there are others who would rise up and bring theirs to the world to use.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes truly.

$ 0.00
3 years ago