The Great Advice

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Lessons, Advice, Growth

Life is filled with ups and downs; the more we try to make things easier the more harder it becomes and that's why we need to arm ourselves with the right set of advice so we'll have the right mindset and do the right things to travail in this journey of life. Here's a compilation of Advise

Your life is your responsibility -

The moment we grow pass the baby stage (0-3) that's when we started taking responsibility even though then its passive. An an adult responsibility comes to a full.You take decisions, actions for yourself but what baffles me is how we're quick to shift responsibility to someone or something when that decision or action didn't go as planned.

Let's learn to take responsibility for all(both the good and the bad actions) that goes on in our life and don't put the blame on others trying to make excuses for ourselves.

Take time to know yourself -

This is as important as knowing our name. It is a special identity we must identify for growth to occur. Give yourself some alone time. Be conscious of how you react and why and what makes you act a certain way. Infact it's even easier now as they are many online platforms where expert psychologist have put down questions that will give you a clear picture of who you are if only you answer honestly.

Why is this important?

When you know yourself who you are, you'll be equipped with the right approach to achieve your goals and dreams. You won't follow blindly applying someone else's methods to a yourself when you both have different personality thereby going around in circles with no results. Knowing ourselves helps us to live a meaningful and purpose driven life

Listen to learn -

learn to listen some more. Do not be too quick to react to certain things that are being said. Hold the urge to reply and listen to the end. Trust me you'll thank yourself for not reacting earlier.

Being the talker all the time doesn't add any knowledge to us. Lets cultivate the attitude of listening more than we speak.

Learn to manage expectations

"Expectations is the mother of all disappointments" * Venvie

The world expects a lot from you and you also expect same from the world. We've got to manage both expectations and keep them on a minimal. Do not try to keep up someone else's expectations towards you for you and that person will be disappointed.

When you feel something is not working, learn to shift or lower your expectations about it a bit.

Work hard. Stay humble -

Success when attained is a wonderful thing but most times it comes with other attitude like excessive pride, disrespect and many other ill attitude. When you become successful,you should Never forget your roots. Never forget the sacrifices others made on your behalf. Never forget how hard you worked to get where you are today.Never forget to say thank you.Never forget that the success you now enjoy came with a price.

Don't make decisions when you are angry or ecstatic -

80% of decisions made under the influence of any kind of emotion is regrettable when that emotion is no longer present. Our brains forces us to make decisions during this times but we should learn to be calm and have a clear mind before we conclude on that decision.

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Be kind. Always. -

No matter what we're going through, no matter how bad we're feeling, no matter what have been done to us, let's be kind and be gentle. We shouldn't lash out on others because you're in a bad mood.. because you don't know what that person is also going through too. Let's treat others with compassion for it's a small world.

Just keep going. No matter what. -

There are times when you'd lack hope, skill or money and feel like giving up but if you can persevere, you'll see the accomplishment that you seek.

It doesn't really matter what your personal goals are. The key to success in any field or endeavor is to keep moving forward.

Let's aspire to acquire taking notes of these advise.


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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Lessons, Advice, Growth


I can relate to every point you mentioned here and I enjoyed them. Indeed, we don't have to forget being kind in the midst of everything we go through in life. We are on a daily struggle of knowing ourselves so we need to stop being a secondary character in our life's story.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly Sir. Thanks very much for stopping by. I appreciate it

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for these great advice :) We do need to take them to heart and apply them in our lives.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are always welcome FarmGirlโ˜บ๏ธ

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really nice advice especially the not making a decision when angry; I always suffer when I do that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you learn to control the urge. Thanks for stopping by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago