Failure IS An Option and Even Necessary

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3 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)

Should we focus on failure while on the road towards True Success? The short answer is, Yes! Focusing on our failures is not a bad activity at all, as long as you are in the proper mindset while do so. People experience unreasonable amounts of stress and negativity while thinking about their failures. But if you stop and look a bit more in-depth at failures you come to the understanding it's a natural process. Look a bit further and you come to the conclusion that failing is also a necessary process. Look even deeper and you discover that failures are the only road to success. If anyone tells you that they haven't failed at something they would be lying. The life journey is full of failures. Failure is all around us, so we should always look at failing as opportunity.

Why is failure ultimately opportunity? Our failures are a guide which tells in what direction we should move. Failures send signals to the brain telling us to not do that certain thing again. When we realize we shouldn't do that harmful thing again, we then move in a new better feeling direction. With the change in direction a new opportunity to experience success appears. At the same time, there is also the chance to fail again, an opportunity to learn a new needed lesson. Yes failures are disappointing, but only if you do not realize the benefits of failing and doing so often. The more we fail the closer success become. Even when success occurs early on this does not mean it will continue through the entire process. At some point failure must show itself.

Failure is the key to longterm True Success. What is "True Success"? True Success is the wisdom that comes through failing as many times as needed to produce better. A superior product almost always come with many iterations. We can think of ourselves as a product that is never perfect, but through an ever changing process we get better. Each time we experience disappointment, lies a glorious opportunity to improve our worth. Our self improvement resonates through us to show we are delivering benefit to the rest of world. This happens because "Failure is an option. It is an unreasonable notion to believe otherwise. However, through our disappointment comes glorious opportunity; which if up for the challenge will lead to many monumental achievements". ~Michaelson Williams


Michaelson Williams, TSX, Editor-n-Chief at MMAP Magazine

Founder of KARMARMY - Good Karma Army Community here on

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3 years ago (Last updated: 1 year ago)


I know and believe that failure, or failures, are the tools with which we build our successes. So, if when we fail, instead of looking at the result, we look at the process as a whole to understand why we did not reach a goal, this process will give us the corrected tools to achieve success the next time. The important thing about failing is that it says that we are doing it, that we are walking, that we are working towards the goal or objectives. The words used here like "wisdom" or "true success" or "self-improvement" are inspiring words that should force us to meditate on whether or not we are prepared to struggle and persevere. Excellent lesson! Thank you very much!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice write

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very nice

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Today I finished an article that I am going to publish tomorrow and it happens to be about guilt and failure. You have touched on some aspects that I also believe are necessary in life such as failure to achieve success. I think there is a certain energy in the environment that connects the thoughts.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I totally agree with this. I myself have encountered many many failures but instead of slowing down it should be a motivation to move forward and look for a better choice or path. There is growth in criticism or failure. One would have to avoid thinking low towards themselves just because they failed once or twice.

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3 years ago