People will always have their opinion

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Avatar for Tomi-Ajax
2 years ago

There is a popular story in my country, it is a proverbial one and it has been told from one generation to the other. It has also been made into a local song.

I have decided to write a personal version of the story. The story still has the same basic plot, but the wording and construction of characters and dialogues are entirely mines. Enjoy!

The story

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who wanted to go to the market to purchase goods, he decided to take his young son along. The market was quite far from their farmland, so they decided to ride a donkey. Both the farmer and the son were on the donkey’s back.

On their way to the market, they encountered a group of people. These people were irked by the sight of the farmer and his son on the donkey’s back. They voiced their opinion of what they believed was the brutal treatment of the donkey.

“How can two people be on a donkey’s back, that’s so cruel!”, they shouted at the farmer and the son.

The farmer was ashamed by the accusation labeled at him and his son. He quickly dismounted from the donkey, leaving only his son on the donkey’s back.

Still, on their way to the market, they met another group of people in another village who knew the farmer and the distance he was coming from. They felt such an old man shouldn’t be trekking that distance. They felt the farmer should be on the donkey's back and his son should walk. One of them greeted the farmer, the farmer greeted back.

"Where are you heading to," he asked the farmer

"To the market" the farmer replied.

Ah! Lamented some of the villagers as they faced the farmer's son and said, “isn’t shameful of you to be on a donkey's back while your father walks?

"Such a healthy boy like you should be making things comfortable for your father" another person added.

The farmer's son felt too ashamed to give a response, he swiftly dismounted from the donkey.

"Papa, climb," he said with soberness.

His father mounted the donkey, and they continued on their journey. Halfway to their destination, they met a group of villagers. The villagers began murmuring among themselves,

"that old farmer must be a wicked man. He rides on a donkey while his young son treks such a long distance, poor boy!"

The boy heard their murmur and he was shocked. He said to his father,

"these people are saying you are wicked for making me to trek".

The farmer could see the disdainful way the villagers were looking at him. He hops down and addressing his son he said,

"we will both trek, let us let the donkey be"

They both continued their journey on foot. Whilst on their way, they met a group of people who were also headed for the market. Some people began pointing fingers and mocking the farmer and his son.

"Those two fools, don't they know how to ride a donkey? Why trek when you have a donkey? " They said scornfully.

Lesson form the story

The story is a way of educating one that people would always have different opinions on a particular topic or matter.

No matter what you do, you can't please everyone. Your actions or character no matter how good you try to portray them, people would read a different meaning to them.

If you want to please everyone or listen to everyone's advice you wouldn't be able to do anything due to the conflicting ideas.

People will always have something to say about each of your actions or statement. You shouldn't let it bother you or let them control your life as they did to the farmer and his son.

Try to always do the right thing, criticism can be helpful but not all the time.

Some criticism comes from people who know next to nothing and don't be surprised that people who criticize you when you're in a particular position tend to do worse when they get to that position.

I would love to hear the lessons you learned from the short story?

Thanks for reading ♥️

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Avatar for Tomi-Ajax
2 years ago


I so agree with the idea that people will always have their opinion, and that we cannot really please everyone. Thanks for this well written article Tomi. Even if we are the most among the most, still people see us as the least.

The saddest part is doing your best yet still the worst. In the society that we are living, we have to accept that this is the reality. It may break our hearts but it is a matter of acceptance and that we shall not live life just to please anyone but we shall live life to the fullest as we care for our own selves.

Have a nice time. Smiles and winks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the detailed contribution Porsche 😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are always welcome Tomi. Have a great day ahead of you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No matter how nice or good you are people will always have something negative to say. There's no gain in trying to please humans.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Seriously bro, there isn't and I have learnt the hard way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well very deep words! Some people really passed their lives in pleasuring other according to their wishes and remains far behind in the struggle of life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly, listening and trying to please everyone would get one nowhere

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Funny story but real. Everyone has his own perspective to the things. It could be right or wrong. The important thing is we should know to distinguish what is right and what is wrong. Drôle conte mais réelle. Chacun a sa propre perspective des choses. Cela peut être bien ou mal. L’important est de savoir distinguer ce qui est bien et ce qui est mal.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We should always distinguish

I always love your touch of french. Thanks buddy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha, read it for the first time. It was funny and interesting. I would say listen to everyone's business but Mind your own business. Different people, different thinking, different beliefs. Unless the other option isn't right stick to your words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love the way you phrase. Great words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was a child when I began reading different story books. This one I know haha. The end If I remember it right, the donkey fell on the water and gone?

People will always have opinions, base on their own traumas and programming so discern and do not believe everything.

This last statement is so good "Some criticism comes from people who know next to nothing and don't be surprised that people who criticize you when you're in a particular position tend to do worse when they get to that position."

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, that what happened at end. Wow I never knew the story is this popular.

We truly need to always discern.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's true. No matter what happens, people will always have an opinion. And that's why I've always learnt to do my thing in my own way and not to live to impress anyone because no matter what you do, they'll still talk.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No matter what you do they would still talk 👌. Very true Bisola

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's not a new thing to me at all...they will talk and tire...I can't please everyone....there's too much problem I have and I can't add people's opinions at keep talking

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly Jove, adding other people's opinions is like adding more problems to the one on ground

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Always do you and you alone...some people won't be satisfied

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its no longer new to me when people criticize me, I just let them be. One thing am sure of is, if am doing the right thing then the critics can wait..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, we just have to do the right thing all the time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Interesting moral of the story. Actually people did negative criticism more then constructive. Agree every one has his own opinion but it should be positive one.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we need more of constructive criticism. But the world is filled with criticism that term from hatred or negativity

$ 0.00
2 years ago