Goal setting

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2 years ago
Topics: Goals, Aim, Accomplishment, Plan, Wishes, ...

Do you often or ever think You're wandering aimlessly in life.

Do you feel you lack sense of direction?And you wonder what you can do about this feeling and situation.

Well, there is something that can help you develop the sense of purpose and feeling of being on a track. The answer to your problem might be "settings of goals".

Goal setting is something you can use to go from aimlessly wandering to moving towards a meaningful destination.

When setting goals you need to first; figure out what you want and then you need to get it or work towards it.

Goals keep you focused on what you want and keep you from wandering aimlessly. Setting goals and achieving them gives you a sense of accomplishment and helps prevent distraction.

Every time you plan for something to your mind and body are working to achieve a goal. When you plan to do something, it will automatically make you feel excited, hopeful and active.

The feeling of excitement, hope, and activity will keep on stimulating your mind until you finally achieve the goals that you have planned.


However, things get tricky when you start to keep on drifting without a clear purpose in life. You suddenly get distracted by small things that you think are more important than your goals.

The more distractions come into your way to achieve your purposes, the more likely you will get tired and lazy. You then end up failing to achieve those goals that you have planned.

You won't feel the same excitement when you plan for things in the future. This is because your motivation becomes less effective when you fail to achieve your previous goals.

Therefore, it is crucial to set a certain standard of what is truly important to us so we won't get distracted.

Don't wish, take actions

According to statistics, less than half of people who make New Year's resolutions achieve them. Studies have shown that by setting goals and taking action towards them, people not only achieve their set goals but set themselves on the path to achieve even greater things.

There are many people who have a target in mind and they know that they should make it a goal but they never do. The reason is because they can't see it. They don't know exactly what it means and how to achieve it.

Imagine "Diane", who is out of shape and overweight. She has been trying to get fit for a while now, but keeps failing due to lack of willpower. We can assume that she cares strongly about her health, which is why she keeps trying and failing. The problem here is that she has no clear idea of what it takes to lose weight. Diane's plan is based on wishful thinking, the idea that if she just wishes hard enough, in the right away and long enough – the pounds will just magically slip off.

As you can guess, this never happens and she feels bad about herself because of her failure. For her own good, it would be wise for her to ask for help, or change her approach completely.

The solution to that is not just writing down your goals but visualizing them. Imagine that you have achieved those goals, how would you feel? What will change in your life? From now on when you set any goals, imagine how you want to feel when you achieve them. This will help you focus on the target and get there faster.

Importance and things you should do

The main reason why setting goals is so important is because it gives you something to aim at and work towards. It helps you concentrate on what is important and foresee future results.

One of the most important things in setting goals is that they should be specific and measurable, and have a deadline when they should be achieved. This will help keep you motivated on working towards the goal until it's achieved because there will be a clear result at the end of all your hard work.

Stop aimlessly wandering and start setting goals.

I hope that reading this will help you set clear and measurable goals in your life, which will make it easier for you to get results.

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Avatar for Tomi-Ajax
2 years ago
Topics: Goals, Aim, Accomplishment, Plan, Wishes, ...


Goals will always be goal unless we will work for it and reach it. Setting goal is important as this will serve as a guide where you are going to.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Goals will always be goals, but they only become success with actions

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, goal setting truly helps us map our days right. We should also have a strong reason to push us towards achieving the set goal, just like in the case of distractions aforementioned.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Without a map; a sailor would be lost in the sea

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Without a compass, everyone will be a lost in the woods

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Another factor that affects reaching our targeted goal is procrastination. Most people are so used to this system, I will do it tomorrow, forgetting tomorrow, never comes. This is a masterpiece if am asked.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks I appreciate the remark Wrinkle

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's why I don't set new years resolution instead what I have are goals. Speaking of,.now I will.be checking for the percentage achieved😆

$ 0.00
2 years ago

New year resolution aren't bad as they are also goals. The best thing to do for them both is to write them down, so you would be able to track your success

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And yes! I'm happy I read this...hmmm....another insight on what to do....thanks for publishing this article.. It's very informative and educative ...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm glad you found it insightful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago