It is Tomi-Ajax signing in for today's duty. I have missed a day in my writing streak again making it a total of three days of not publishing since the beginning of the month.
Well I think it is still impressive the way everything is going so far because April might still be my most consistent month in publishing since I started blogging on this platform despite missing three days. I just hope I can keep the flame of writing burning till the end of month
Again, it seems I don’t have a topic to write about, funnily I reached out to this friend of mine. And my friend also didn’t have any topic to suggest to me. My mind and head is currently blank as I don’t even know what to write about.
I opened my device and clicked on Microsoft word and a blank page was brought to my view. Oh how lovely a blank page look like, I really like the view of the blank page, because on it there are no words and a blank page is like a mirror to my soul.
A blank page
A blank page is where I can pour down my thought without being mocked upon.
"My mind is a cage and entrapped in it are my fears and worries"
That quote is gotten from a poem of mine, published on the ninth of may, 2021.
A metaphor of life
Blank pages are a metaphor of life. They represent limitless possibilities. A blank page means opportunity. We should look at life in that way?
Life doesn't come with a 'how-to' manual. There are no instructions on how to be successful. What you have is a blank slate and it is up to you to write your own story and excel in this life.
A blank page forces us to start from scratch and within that is a realization of the possibilities that lie ahead. By turning our dreams into goals, we create a plan for success.
It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget your bigger picture. This can lead you down a path of dissatisfaction and burnout.
All of us have been in a position where we wish we had more time or money to do something. Sometimes, it can feel like the odds are stacked up against us.
We may stumble upon opportunities that present themselves, however we also have the power to make our own opportunities.
With this opportunity comes the need for motivation. After all, there will be plenty of distractions in your way, such as negative people, telling you that you'll never reach your goals, or that you do not have the right education or background. This is why you need to be motivated to steer clear of these distractions and stay focused on your goal
In conclusion
A blank page is an exciting challenge, an opportunity to make something great.
The blank page is a reminder that we are in full control of the outcome of our future and it's all up to you, to turn those blank pages into something meaningful.
We can write or paint our own future if we want to and that we can turn our dreams into reality and something that will make you feel proud of yourself. A story worth telling. A story that will be read by others and make them feel inspired to start writing their own book.
The blank page is here to remind you that your future is in your own hands, so get to work and create something great.
Thank you so much for spending three-four minutes of your time with me. I really appreciate it.
So remember anytime you see a blank page remember that it represent limitless possibilities. So keep on writing 📝
I agree my friend TomiAjax that a blank page is a great challenge in our lives and an opportunity to do things we