Happy new month

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Avatar for Tobias00
2 years ago

Happy new month fam!💃🏻 yep! I'm glad to be back on this platform.

The month of May was an hectic one for me. I battled with skin irritation and it took a whole lot to step out of my house each day with confidence, with my face looking like that of a leper. Honestly, it's was tough, using a lot of drugs recommmended by people who had gone through the same issue with none effective in fact they were actually producing the reverse of what they were meant to be doing in my system.

They were days I go out and people would asked me if I were using a cream I was reacting to or did something I wasn't supposed to do, some even go to the extent of asking if I don't take my bath, lol.

Some would give advice on what they did while they were in my shoes and others recommended herbs. God! It's so depressing, especially when you've spent all the money on you buying drugs and recommended stuff and none worked and it's frustrating when people keep asking questions like one is not doing anything about one's condition🤦🏽‍♀ and others trying to use the fact that something is up with one to exploit one.

Days I just sat back and cried or days I thought about where it all went wrong. Although things like such happens because i'm prone to acne but it has never gotten to that level.

Why not hospital?

Well I could have gone to a hospital, a general hospital close to where I reside because I can't afford a private hospital for now but getting an appointment with a doctor in a general hospital is a tug of war here, one has to go through some procedure before one can see a doctor, like getting a card and then fixing an appointment which can be in a month time, like the one I got for my glasses recently, imagine someone who could barely see with his/her eyes who came to see the doctor hoping to get a quick response but was told to come back in a month time, how do they except such person to see without his/her glasses for a month?! Yes that's how tough it can be here and it one of the things that discouraged me from going to the hospital.

Well, it all came to an end when I finally decided to go traditional. I was told it from the blood stream so I needed to treat it from the inside. I bought herbs (thank God it was affordable) and cooked it(first time in my entire life that i cooked herbs. if someone told me I would someday do such I would deny it, lol).

I drank it each morning and after some days it all dried off😊.

I'm currently dealing with the spots left tho, it's fading.

Couldn't achieve many of my goals for the month but I thank God for life.

Yep, so that was how May went for me.

I look forward to a better and friendlier June, I hope you do too.

Oh pardon my manners...

I was so consumed in talking about my May experience that I didn't send a new month greeting🤭...

Vote of thanks

To all who reached out to me during those tough time. My heartfelt gratitude goes to you and I don't take any of you for granted. ❤

$ 0.10
$ 0.05 from @Tomi-Ajax
$ 0.03 from @Aimure
$ 0.02 from @Honey_bch
Sponsors of Tobias00
Avatar for Tobias00
2 years ago


Sorry about the skin ish. Are you fair in complexion?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you boss. No i'm not fair in complexion.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy new month friend, sorry for your health challenge, I hope you're better now, I just want you to believe that your case is a case of "from casting down to lifting up" this new month will speak favour for you. It's nice meeting you dear friend

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Amen! And you too. Thank you dear friend I really appreciate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy new month friend, it's another blissful month for us, we should plan greatly for this month of June so that something good can actually come from it

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks dear friend. I agree we should plan ahead of the month

$ 0.00
2 years ago