Future Responsibilities Have Frightened me
Our practical exams are over. I feel refreshed after the exams because during the exams I have a strange burden that hurts me. That's why I couldn't finish the article in two days. I wish I could write a daily article but I am too busy to do so. Actually, I am interested in writing articles. Writing articles is nothing short of fun. Because it is a platform that allows us to write down our personal thoughts and experiences. And I enjoy the different views of people. By the way, today I had lunch at a hotel in a nearby city. Because my family had gone to our aunt's house. My aunt has installed a water motor in her house. Because my aunt used to fetch large pots of water from the neighbors' house which was a difficult task for her. Because she is pregnant.
We also installed a water motor in our house in the year 2018. Before the motor, we used to fill the water pits with taps outside. Here it is difficult if there is no motor in the house. Because fetching water from outside taps daily is not an easy task. Let's run to the topic.
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I often think about my future. Because the future is very important in everyone's life. But the future is hidden. You can only imagine what your future holds. And you can estimate that with your present and past hard work. It is not necessary that your estimate be 100% correct. Because the hidden thing can change at any time due to circumstances. For example, you are doing an engineering course and you think that in future you will get a job as an engineer. But you cannot say with absolute certainty that you will get an engineer's job because you have not seen your future. Rather, you have made this assessment only by looking at your current hard work.
I personally feel intimidated by future responsibilities. I ask myself if you are ready for responsibilities. I find myself silent after this question. This question bothers me. I blame my crazy mind for this thinking. It really scares me.
I feel weak when I see other people working in different jobs. A house is under construction near our house. When I come out of my room shivering in the cold in the morning, I feel strangely terrified to see the laborers working on that house. I wonder how they are working out in the early morning cold. And I say to myself, maybe you are too weak. I know that in order to live life we have to hurt our bodies. I wonder how I will fulfill my job responsibilities. I think my hard life will start after the job. I think I may not be able to carry the burden of a job. I find it difficult to work outside the city because I have never been far from my village. It is very difficult to make money but we have to harden ourselves to survive.
I see a lot of young people here who are unemployed, they have no job. I see a lot of people who are applying for every new job but they are not getting the job. Although they have degrees. They are unemployed despite their qualifications. It bothers me that I don't know if I will get a job or not. I think the first step in our future starts with a job. And it will be a difficult responsibility.
The second step in the future, I think, is marriage. Many people tell me that after marriage my freedom will end. Some of my peers are married and they tell me that after marriage they want to run away from their responsibilities because according to them they are not qualified for it. Because after marriage we have to be responsible. Apparently our worries increase because we are not alone after marriage. Caring for a wife and children is part of our responsibility. I think married people can understand this phrase very well. I don't know how I will handle this part of the future.
The third step after that is to fulfill your financial responsibility. After that, maintaining the balance of your family is the most important reponsibility. I have seen many people around me who are unable to balance their responsibilities after marriage. Simply put, meeting your household expenses. I see the pressure of these responsibilities on my father's face. I wonder how my father is fulfilling his responsibilities with such a low income. Skills may be needed to balance responsibilities.
I wonder if my current plan will help brighten my future. This does not mean that you will not live if your future is not bright. And that does not mean that you will fail if your future is not bright. Life does not stop. But the difference is that if your future is not bright, you will have to go through difficult places and continue the journey of life. On the contrary, a brighter future means making your life easier. Everyone wants peace in their life which is surely hidden in the bright future. That's why I'm worried about my future. But for a bright future, it is important to be responsible first.
Life is not easy as I understand it. The evolving life explains a lot to us. The outside world makes me think that I should write a book about my future. But it will be a book that has nothing to do with the past. And this book will be based on accidents, not experiments. Because we did not see our future.
If I do not act responsibly, I will endanger my future. I think that if I do not control my fear, I will be harmed. Because if I do not care, it will hurt me and not anyone else. Surely, we have a role to play in shaping and ruining the future.
And it is true that we cannot be strong and experienced without responsibilities. We had an English teacher who always urged us to be responsible. According to him, parents should give responsibilities to their children so that they can become strong.
My future scares me. Future responsibilities are hollowing me out. Every passing day brings me closer to the future. Maybe I'm weaker than I think. The reason for all this is not accustomed to responsibilities. If I had been accustomed to responsibilities, perhaps this fear would not have bothered me.
Thanks for reading
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Wow what a good read. But something about marriage is not right for me. Just for me.. Because I had me freedom after marriage. That depends on your spouse you have to agree on things when you have a partner.
Apparently went with the life's flow. Don't overythi k about your future. It will come no matter what