Eight things that can waste time & life that must be avoided.

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Written by
2 years ago
21ST APRIL, 2022.

Life can be perpetual barrage of challenges coming at us. Fear, envy, the past, greed, anger indecision, etc. jostle for our time and demand our attention.

Specifically, some of these things can turn out to be time-wasters if undue attention is given to them. Not only that, they can weaken our faith and make us feel everything is impossible. We will examine eight ways you can waste your life as an individual. Note, however that the list isn't limited to these eight.


It is simply the triumph of fear over Faith. Worry is a route that leads from somewhere to nowhere. Actually, it only compounds an already exist problem. Worry is not good for your spiritual, psychological and physical well-being.


Fear, like it's brother worry, is like interest paid in advance on something you might never own. It is a poor chisel for carving out tomorrow. It makes you forget the ability of God and His great promises for every situation in your life. It makes you run from something that is not after you. Fear of the future is a waste of the present.


Guilt is an acceptance of wrong done, often accompanied by a feeling of shame and condemnation. It can be sometimes overwhelming such that you keep seeing yourself as an evil person even after you have asked for and received pardon from God or somebody you have wronged.


The more you complain, the less you will obtain anything. The person who is always finding fault and complaining about almost everything seldom finds anything else. A life full of complaint is sad, distracted and may not see opportunity when it knocks on the door.


Anger falls one letter short about danger. When you get angry, you are likely calling for danger because at that point, you might likely lose your temper and do something you'll regret. Anger also affects the human system negatively. It is no good emotions for believers.


Nothing gets you behind faster than trying to keep us with Joneses. Apart from the fact that comparing yourself with others sets you back, God's word speaks against it.


People's unwillingness to take responsibilities for their own actions or inactions make them resought to blame other people. If you are in habit of blaming all your problems on people or even circumstances, then you are really are not ready to make progress in life. To expect your life to be perfectly tailored to your specification is to live a life of continual frustration. When you make mistakes or experience failure in any area of your life, accept the blame first, take responsibility and finding a solution will become easier.


The feeling of regret over something wrongly said or done, or regret about loss of something on someone dear, keeps dwelling on the past. Correct your past mistakes and move on with your life. There is no use living in regrets. This only stalls your forward movement.

Don't waste your life with any of these life and time-wasters. Never view your future from a position of worry. Instead, pressed forward in faith knowing that the plan of God is to give you a better future and hope everlasting. Do not be afraid of tomorrow because God is already there to make every crooked paths straight. As you depend on Him and His promises for you nothing will cut short your life in Jesus name.

Thanks for reading 😊. Enjoy your day 😋

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Written by
2 years ago


All these are major that weigh us down. I agree with you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for your support 💖

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They are all negativities that would really ruin our lives as what you have mentioned to this article. It is not good if they would reign in our minds and hearts because they might cause stress and lead to death. We should be careful enough of these things.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes... I appreciate your time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The worst thing to do is blaming others on things you caused without considering the impact of what you just did... That's really bad and don't you forget that karma exist

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes... That's right. Thanks for reading

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is absolutely right,I still have some little problem with my anger issues,but I take it as a Bruno and I say "silencio Bruno" to myself. Have a wonderful day my friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God can help you deal with it. Have a good day too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm always complaining about things and don't realize I'm losing out on anything excellent that will come my way. I should put my worries aside. Haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We have to accept situations as it is and use it to our own benefit instead of complaining because, complaints will not change anything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Am guilty of almost all, especially anger. I don't really have time to worry about anything, maybe it's because I just haven't been tasked with a whole lot of things to pay for. This was educative dear Tife, I'll definitely start and learn to put more faith in God.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When we place our confidence in God, we have nothing to worry about. Thanks ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago