David and Jonathan

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Written by
2 years ago
16TH APRIL, 2022.

From my last article, David's bravery in that battle also attracted Jonathan, Saul's son. Jonathan was so nice to him to the extent that he loves him as his own soul. This means that they were very impressed and described more praises to David. This brought envy in Saul.

Envy is the resentful or unhappy feeling of wanting somebody else's success, good for, qualities or possessions.

David in the house of Saul behaved himself while playing harp to drive out the evil spirit from Saul. Saul was afraid of him and attempted to kill him. David escaped his scheme to kill him several times because God was with him. Once our lives and in accordance with His will, no one can hurt or harm us.

Jonathan's love for David emanated from the time he defeated Goliath. He was impressed by his brave, brilliant and bold display before Goliath and his eventual conquest over him. Since they were both warriors, he became attracted to him. Jonathan being a soldier and found a fit partner and qualities in David and felt they could work together.

He saw him as a trustworthy and tactical companion. There was no feeling of immoral dealings between them. Jonathan gave him a token by stripping himself of his Royal apparel. He gave it to David. This was because he loved him as his own soul. We should be careful in choosing our friends. This is to avoid being misled into evil association. We should ensure that our intimate friends are saved. We should also have good rapport with our classmates and Youths in the neighborhood.

There were other people that loves David. He was a steadfast poor-boy brilliant, warrior and intelligent musician who behaves wisely and was apt and humble. These qualities made him to be loved by all who came in contact with him in Israel.

As the armies of Israel returned from the defeat of the philistines, the women came singing before them all. They rejoiced at the conquest of the terror that suppressed the whole Nation. No one had thought such a relief could come so easily. When it came, they were happy. The, they danced and sang to the glory of the lord. All praises should go to God who raises help for us to deliver us from pressing need. However, it is good to show gratitude to the person used of God to meet the desired need. Ingratitude is a sin.

Because the women sang the praises of David, Saul became jealous and forgot the good David did for Israel and himself. He decided to reward him by taking his life. Imagine the effect of envy and a result from such action. He was blinded to David's sacrificial service. He failed to understand that killing the only one found in Israel who can play the Harp to relieve him will make him more vulnerable to the evil spirits that tormented him. But all along, he longed for what was to get rid of him to retain his position as King.

God will never leave his faithful children to be hands of the enemies. Three times, he delivers David from being killed with a javelin. He will deliver us too.


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Written by
2 years ago


I think this was the second part and I read this first. Oops, btw yes you are right God never leave us in worries or in enemy hands he always plays the role of Backbone for us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

😍 He's our unbreakable backbone. Thanks for your comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love the way you write your bible story, it took me back I'm time when we do read bible story from story book, also if you're gonna refer to your previous article, I think you should add a link to the previous article. It would really help and go a long way

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for these tips. I appreciate it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Youre welcome dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God is too faithful to fail us, he loves us so much and just like he delivered David from King Saul, he'll surely deliver us. Thanks for this powerful message, Tife.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks be to God😇

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're very right my friend. God never leaves his beloved ones. When I read the story of David,I always want to be like him

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I admire the good qualities in him too.
Thanks for the comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago