Answered prayer

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Avatar for ThisisGrace21
2 years ago

Finally, I was able to move. Today is my first day on board. Thanks God that everything went smoothly. I praise and glorify him for his goodness and blessings.

Sponsors of ThisisGrace21

Loud shout out to my sponsors who always give their support to me. God bless you always. I appreciate you all.

Today is my first day of work as a secretary to my previous college teacher. He actually chatted me on Sunday afternoon and asked me if I am available to be his teacher assistant. I am so overwhelmed that moment and I immediately said yes. He then request me to be there on Monday which I also said yes. But later that Sunday night I realized I need to attend my friend's birthday and also tell my students that I would be working full-time as an assistant. So, I chatted my soon to be boss that I couldn't come by Monday and if I could come on Tuesday instead. He is really good to consider that.

Since I don't have any cash to bring by the next day, I cash out few bucks from my earnings here. Glad that I have my closed friend who is available for cashing out money through gcash. I don't have any problem anymore.

Tuesday came, which is today, I prepare myself early. I wake up 5 am in the morning and leave the house at exactly 6 o'clock. I am thinking of waiting for a van for me to have a cheaper fare and could save because I don't have any allowance aside from the cashed out money that I have. I need to rent a house to stay which I also need some money. But then I have waited beside the road for 2 hours and there's no van available. Though there are many motorcycle who offered me for a ride which I decline because it cost so much. But after 2 hours of waiting I guess I should end the vain of waiting. When a driver offer me lowest fare then I grabe the opportunity. It's not cheap but it's the lowest offer I get near from the ideal fare from my origin going to my place of destination.

It took me almost to hours to finally reach my destination. When I reach the office I immediately meet my soon to be boss which is my college teacher. Sir Jo is my professor before and become my colleague as well when I become a part-time teacher in the University before. We already knew each other since before. We first meet when I try out for a cartoonist in the publication where he is the adviser that time. And I knew him since then that he is such a good person and have kind heart. That is why when he offered me the job I never hesitate to say yes.

He introduced me to the other teachers which I also happened to know. He was amazed. He asked me few things it is like an interview though more like a casual talks. When it's lunch time I need to find some place to eat. I never got the chance to take photo anymore because I am hungry lol. Sorry about that.

Anyways, to continue, I thought I wouldn't start my work today as well but sir Jo actually asked me to do something for that time so I wasn't able to find a place to rent. It was already dark when we go out from the office and I was able to find any place. So I decided to stay in my best buddy in college, Charlene.

Charlene is my only close friend in college, one that I am with all the time. Her family knows me already and they treat me like their family member too. I went to their house and very comfortable staying right now. We never see each other for such long time and I am happy that I finally got to see her. I missed her so much. I am so happy that we even shared bed tonight.

Today is a very tiring day. A day full of surprises but blessings. Sir Jo is very kind. I hope I will be just fine with my new job. It's an answered prayer. I have been praying for a blessing like this and it happened unexpectedly. There are maybe a lot of struggles and challenges but at the end the Lord put everything into places.

The rain is hard but I still make it on time in the office.

I didn't have any place to rent but I am here sleeping next to a loving friend.

I really do believe now that when things are for you it will happened. You just really need to wait and be patient. Don't be impatient and doubt God. Not question his greatness. Remember his YES's. And when it's for you, he will make it happen.

I thanks God for giving me the things that I desired and needed. I thank him for and answered prayer.

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Avatar for ThisisGrace21
2 years ago


Congrats! And praise God .

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
2 years ago

Thank you thank you sis. Amen praise God πŸ™πŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yepeyy! Congratulations on your new work! Take care always and God bless πŸŽ‰πŸ’•

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations mam ❀️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oy ,congrats dayπŸŽ‰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations on your new work! I hope you had a great day on your day 1.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

God is indeed faithful.He don't disappoint this that trust in him am so happy for your dear a big congratulations to your on your new job,and I pray that lord that gave you this job will sustain, keep and guide you with his infinite mercies and sufficient graceπŸ™take care

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations to your new work mamsh! Take care anhaa permi. More blessings to you ma'am. It's a blessing from God mamsh.πŸ™πŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! Congratulations! God is really just in time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations on your new job, the God that answered your prayers will keep holding you up. I am so happy for you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Truly the day was full of surprises and blessings for you. I know you love the job. It's truly a answered prayer

$ 0.02
2 years ago