How to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Live

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3 years ago
Topics: Scared, Fear, Afraid, Life, Goals, ...

In some situations, it is perfectly understandable to be scared, but there will also be times when a lot of good things can happen from being afraid. 

People often become scared when their lives begin to change. They may fear the unknown of a new job or a major life event such as having a baby.

There's nothing wrong with being a little scared when we are unsure how things will turn out. But it's those moments like that time you were afraid of trying to do something new such as transitioning from working for a boss to working at home for yourself that seems to be the most difficult to achieve. 

You begin to wonder if being successful working from home will happen in a reasonable amount of time. You start to question if you even made the right decision for you and your family. 

When you are scared you often find yourself outside of your comfort zone because of something new and different. You may even feel like you aren't capable of whatever new experience you are about to embark on. 

Here's the thing guys, you must be willing to push through those negative thoughts that are holding you back if you want to get past your fear. 

My biggest fear was transitioning from a stressful job that was getting me nowhere to working from home full-time. But I did it and here I am today living one of my dreams! Yes, I still have a long way to go, but I pushed past that fear of what if, and here I am! And I'm still working on overcoming other fears. You are not alone! 

We are all afraid of something and that's okay, but if you don't acknowledge that fear, you will never truly live! 

If you choose to hide from your fear rather than face it head-on, you are only holding yourself back! Why do that?!

It doesn't matter what is holding you back, if you want to truly live, you must overcome those fears that are preventing you from your goals, your wants, your passion in life. 

STOP BEING SCARED and start doing so that you are living your life to the fullest. When was the last time you did something, anything that you were afraid of doing? 

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? 

So many things in life can make you feel uncomfortable, but staying in that comfort zone can keep you from living life. 

In order to grow, you must be willing to step away from what makes you uncomfortable and just do it! When you do anything that makes you step out of your comfort zone, you may even discover a new love! 

Just remember this is about you! Don't worry about what others think or say! It's not their life you are living, it's yours and yours alone!  Stop allowing the opinions of others stop you from doing something! If I had listened to the opinion of others, yes including my family, I would still be working that stressful job that was getting me nowhere. I wouldn't be working out 5 days a week, deadlifting 80 pounds! 

Now don't get me wrong, at one time in my life, I did listen to those naysayers, but as I have grown older, I have learned that the only opinion that matters is my own and I love it! 

When was the last time you tried something new?

While it is perfectly okay to be afraid of trying new things, you never know what will happen unless you go for it! 

You will never truly live unless you learn to try something new and accept what may be the greatest moment of your life! 

When was the last time you made a resolution or goal for yourself?

Most people stopped believing in resolutions or goals simply because they never followed through with them in the first place due to fear.  

Instead of putting your goals aside once again this year, take action! You never know what will happen until you actually try! And so what if your goal didn't work out the way you had planned. At least you tried! You made it happen!   

When was the last time you just accepted failure? 

No one likes to fail! But when you take any risk, there is always that chance of failing. However, failure doesn't mean you lose or give up! Failing simply is another opportunity to learn from. It's a chance for us to grow and succeed! Use it to your advantage! 

When was the last time you invested in yourself?

For many years I made the mistake of not investing in myself. I thought investing meant more money out of my pocket that I simply could not afford. I was wrong. 

You don't have to even have any extra money to invest in yourself. We are all on a budget for many personal reasons and due to the covid crisis. I get it, I'm right there with you. But it really is important to invest in yourself even if it's a free class online or discovering a new way of saving for the future without breaking the piggy bank.  

When was the last time you told yourself I'm too old to have goals and dreams?

Excuse me? Who exactly are you calling old! You are never too old to do anything! Age is a myth! It doesn't matter how old you are, there is no reason or excuse not to have goals. My grandfather was in his 60's when he chose to visit New Orleans and stay downtown at the heart of it all. To me, that is an inspiration! Stop believing you are too old and just live your life to the fullest! 

When was the last time you worked your butt off? 

Okay, laugh if you must, but seriously! Some people cannot get past the idea of working let alone working their butt off! But let me be quite frank here, to achieve great things in life and become successful you must put in the work! It won't be easy and you may have to work a lot of hours and I do mean a lot, but it will be worth it in the end! You cannot expect someone to just hand you a fabulous life and everything you so greatly desire and you certainly don't deserve it if you demand someone give it to you! Life doesn't work that way! Besides, is it really even work if you are actually doing something you truly love in life!!! 


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3 years ago
Topics: Scared, Fear, Afraid, Life, Goals, ...
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I am actually scared of getting out of my comfort zones, I have these mindset that what if I won't do it. Seriously, I always think of myself a failure but I'm still trying my best not to become like that. I don't want people to downgrade me in life 😞

$ 0.00
3 years ago

But what if you do? And what's the worst that could happen if you don't? What's the worst or best that could happen if you do? Those are questions you may want to ask yourself. Life is too short not to live!

$ 0.00
3 years ago