Where Had I Been?
Hello there my lovelies... oh my my my.. since the day I joined this community, never have I ever thought I wouldn't write a post for more than a week intentionally.. of course last year by November, I did take break for 4 days because of the typhoon we had and because of electricity shortage.. do you guys all remember those dreadful days, we all had been sharing about the cyclone all over the read.. But that was unintentional. But this time, I took an intentional break which I actually needed to get sorted out my life and sudden changes that happened to our family.. Lemme explained what happened to us.. before you read on deeper, am letting you know in advance that nothing bad had happened.. you can relax :) and thank you for your concern...
My Mother in law's surgery:
As I had shared again and again, my mother in law went through her knee transplant surgery. For the past 25+ years, she had been suffering with severe chronic arthritis that she was unable to walk, or even stand up properly when she sits for long time.. she could not do anything on her own and because of no proper treatment in past years, she was just taking pain meds to control pain.. However, as a ray of sunshine in her life, last month, our doctor suggested this surgery for her as a development of technology in recent years..
The surgery was scheduled by 3rd of this month and that was on Saturday.. They finished her left leg first and they gave a break of 4 days and on next Thursday, they finished her right leg.. They basically removed her knees and replaced them with steel so that she wouldn't need her cartilage anymore.. We kept her in hospital until now even 2 weeks after finishing her surgery because she is too old to recover quick and also there is nobody in our house to pay full attention to her needs.. we also did not find her proper helper to hire.. we had no choice because of it.. she used the toilet on her own yesterday and also started to walk slowly and thus doctor suggested that we shall take her to our house by tomorrow.. Hope that goes well.
So busy, so frustrated and so down:
We at our home has each of our assigned schedules.. because I made sure from my earlier days of marriage that I wouldn't be doing everything on my own because I'm a human and I get exhausted too right? I hate how Indian house holds expect their daughter in laws to do everything, like she is not a robot??
So, I made sure breakfast is done by my mother in law, father in law gets the groceries and my husband helps me with taking care of my daughter, dropping her to school on his bike and picking her up.. and I cook both lunch and dinner...This was our routine all these days. But ever since we admitted my in law in the hospital, my father in law also had to stay with her to take care and my husband visits her every single day to meet the doctor for updates.. and me?? of course had been assigned to every single thing at home, morning to night.. and the worst thing is to remember everything lol.. My good man husband helps me greatly in the morning boiling milk and water and he even makes tea.. but after that, I make breakfast for both, make lunch for my daughter's school and even snacks.. I pack her bags.. she leaves and then my actual day starts..
The works like cutting vegetables for lunch, making lunch, cleaning our house, kitchen, lit dias and pray to God after taking bath, and finish misc works for dinner, like selecting veggies, cleaning them again.. Then my daughter comes to home, I would give her some food. then make her finish her homework and then give her milk and snacks to send her to her karate class 2 times in a week.. the rest of the days, she would study for sometime after doing her HW.. I then have to make dinner and again keep all the rice, lentis, cut vegetables for next day's lunch box...
Now tell me if this isn't exhausting and I had been feeling so low for past few days, maybe even a week and I just wanted to take a break from this amazing community to not lose my mind.. Today, I finished cooking soon and got like 20 mins to make a post and thus wrote this.. now, I have to go to kitchen to grind fresh dough for my tomorrow's idly and pancake as here in India, we make everything fresh.. no frozen food is used ever... anyway, lemme go finish guys..
Please take care of your mental health people, it is extremely important to stay healthy inside out.. I hope I would feel motivated again... hoping so strong and loud !!
Thank you sponsors and friends... I missed you all and love you with my whole heart...
Yours @Theblackdoll
You can rest sis, maybe a day or two.