Balcony Horror Story!!

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2 years ago

I finished my morning chores and made myself some coffee to stand in my balcony to slowly sip on it.. It is one of my favorite things to do in a day after I finish my duties.. something about sipping coffee while transcending my mind into several thoughts makes me peaceful or as I thought...

That particular day too, my routine was the same. I made myself some coffee and stood on the balcony.. Sipping and diving into my uncontrollable thoughts were suddenly interrupted by heavy noises made by thunder.. "woah, that came out of nowhere.." I thought to myself looking at the sky which is half bright and the rest of the half is filled with thick black clouds that are devouring the rest of the sun light slowly and surely.. I took one more sip looking at one dark cloud that was deforming it's original shape and took a new weird shaped human silhouette that immediately took me into the trans of thoughts that I go into everyday as it reminded me of that horrible day I had gone through when I was a kid.. No, there is no way I could forget that day... those events covered my heart, just like how the dark clouds covered this sunshine.. it's all acting as a metaphor to me.. it all makes sense..

This story happened when I was 8... and by that time, my grand parents used to live far away from our city and during vacations, visiting them was one of my favorite things to do.. I always await for the holidays to hit me so that I can run into the hugs of my grand ma and warmth of my grand pa.. My uncle buys me so many treats and aunt treats me like her own... This holiday was the same for me, getting all the love and food from them but one thing surely changed .. That unfortunate day and unfortunate event!!


Let me explain my uncle's apartment for a second.. the apartment building itself is a massive 13 floor building where my grand parents live in 12th floor of block C.. both the blocks of A and B are completely constructed while the one where my family lives is constructed only half... Each floor has 24 houses with far end balcony of right end has 8, far ed balcony of left has 8 and the center part has 8 houses... My grand parents live on the right side's massive balcony and their houses are fully constructed and the left end at the far in the same floor also were done.. However, the 8 apartments in the middle are still in progress, and are covered in dust with empty half built walls.. Out of all houses, only a few are filled with people and rest of the floor always remain empty with weird constructions noises filled in between.. Standing in the middle, talking and listening back to the echo is my favorite thing to do along with my little cousin who was just 6..

Just like any other day, I and my little cousin went outside, walked through the middle of the floor where there are few lights and path is a little dark.. and most of the houses are just skeletons yet to be built... as usual, we were playing hide and seek despite our parents warned us not to because of the dust and pollution and also the danger of falling off because of open balconies.. But we promise them we would never step into any of those unreconstructed houses. My little cousin seems to have ran first towards the far end of the other side of the balcony and was checking places to hide while I stood this side.. I did not see her but heard her little giggle that she does while playing.. The entire floor is so massive that people standing at the other end of the other balcony seems so tiny..

I finished counting and looked up. There was nobody, she hid already and I excitedly walked towards the other end to find her from my house to the other end.. It was just 6 pm in the evening but since literally only 3 families live on our floor out of 24 houses, the entire floor seems always abandoned and gloomy.. adding to that, the sky was covered with dark grey clouds suddenly and I heard some thunder and lightening in distance..

I reached the midway of the half constructed apartments and suddenly out of nowhere, I got this intense Pit in my stomach that screamed something was wrong here and that I need to step back immediately... My whole body started to have this weird vibration and I was shaking like an idiot standing on the middle of the dark empty unreconstructed space while I was constantly hit with cold breezes coming all over the open half walls.. I was covered in fear and I looked back at my shared balcony where my uncle's house was which is well lit.. I turned and walked away and reached my house and the pit in my stomach is suddenly gone and I was relieved instantly..

I was so confused of what was that weird feeling considering I had walked on those empty floors hundreds of times but why now? Something really seemed weird and just when I turned to go inside my house, I heard the little giggles of my cousin once again...

"Oh crap, I need to go get her... poor thing hiding there alone"

I thought to myself and this time determined to make it a quick pass though the floor.. My stupid brain did not think to go get some adults from the house and even if I do, they will scold me for playing hide and seek in open spaces despite their warning not to.. I reached the middle of the floor and the pit in my stomach is back.. if someone was standing beside me, they sure as heck gonna hear my heart beating so loud and would scare them it would be burst any moment...

But I did not want to stop because I kept hearing giggles of her voice and walked towards the end literally dragging my feet as i went and to my shock and surprise, there was nobody in the other end... All the houses are locked and not a pigeon or crow in the sight and it started to rain heavily from that moment.. I heard a couple of thunder bolts close to our apartment and the worst thing to happen, happened... Power cut!!!

"Ahhhhhh crap!!!!!!"

I thought to myself as it looked so freaking dark than usual and I literally had to use the railings in the middle to walk forward.. I kept calling for my Mom or grand parents or anyone for that matter but I got no response.. I might have walked close to the middle when I heard giggles but this time followed with a coarse hissing voice that whispered my behind me.. I instantly turned to peep into the dark and just when I turned, a splash of lightening hit the other end of the balcony and I saw the most horrific scene of a dusty pale skinny bone structured woman crawling towards me slowly...

She noticed that I noticed her and her pace increased as she kept panting through her mouth with some disgusting liquid dripping through her nose and mouth... I screamed as loud as I could as I ran towards my house and by the time I reached my door, it was flung open by my grand ma as I fell into her hands and the electricity came back exactly by that time... It all happened in the same freaking time.. I cried into her arms and looked back to notice the floor is now well lit, with minimal to no rain and there was nobody in the middle of the floor..

My grand ma took me inside the house scolding me why I went alone to play in the dark as they kept searching for me in the house and to my horror, my little cousin was watching few videos on her tablet in her room on her bed.. I was too scared to tell the story to anyone and they all thought I was just being afraid of the dark and brushed it off...

My uncontrollable thoughts switched back to reality when my coffee is finished but my memory of 15 years has not faded yet one bit... I still remember clear as a day of the little giggles, my name calling and that face... how can I forget that face.... weird thing was, nobody ever complained about anything weird in that apartment as long as they lived... why just me??? The question I would never want to know the answer.... ever...


Hope you enjoyed the story you guys... by the way, This is not my story.. This story was created and narrated to me by my daughter as you know I shared that we visited her grand mas house the other day and she went to her afternoon walk in the massive floor one day and looking at that empty massive space, she imagined this story herself and told me to write in Read cash... her version was simple but I had to elaborate it to fit the horror elements but I kept the original story unchanged though.. I was surprised to see her making such good stories already haha.. What do you guys think about this? leme know in the comments

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Avatar for Theblackdoll
2 years ago


You never fails to amaze me with your write ups especially when it is all about horrors sis. You are so good in this. I wish I had the creativity as yours.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I genuinely love this genre sis, maybe the passion helps and also I watch only paranormal related videos and audio.. if you watch them regularly, you will also be more creative than me... and Thank you, you are so sweet

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And you are making her as like as you. That's great. She would be narrating such stories to the next generation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

oooh so bad and scary. it never goes away no matter how many years pass your mind

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, it is a dark memory not so easy to forget and move on

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

To be completely honest, you're the best horror story writer I have come across and it looks like you passed that talent down to your daughter as well, it's like you guys have it in your genes! I don't read horror stories (I rather watch them) but this one felt like I was the main character, I could feel every emotion and I got goosebumps reading the part where she was walking across the creepy floor 🥶

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww thanks Kush, you are so sweet for saying those nice things :) and yes, I do explain a lot of little details in my stories because I really want to take you guys into the story so that you can practically see and imagine what's happening

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And it works! 😁 You clearly know your way around psychology and how to explain things to immense the readers into the story, that's what makes you a great writer

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow your daughter will be a good story writer.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice to read

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hey thanks dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

omg, this one was really amazing. Your daughter has really an active mind. I just appreciate that. Your both mom and daughter combination for writing stories is the best ever. May God bless both of you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really captivating. Perhaps soon your daughter can join too hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can't wait for her to do so lol.. she always asks me to write something or the other.. while I always hit with worst writer's block lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe. A smart girl, your got a gem.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

She is, thank you sis

$ 0.00
2 years ago

To be honest we all have a grand parents horror story

I can relate with it too, was kinda like balcony and their was a tree which always scared me back then though yours is a bit more scary than mine

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You need to write about it and tag me in that.. I would be waiting to read what kind of thoughts and experiences you had with the tree

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nyayyy, it's scary af. I will run for my life if this happened to me 😳😬

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I know right sis?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Each time you mention that a story was written by your daughter, I feel bad knowing that my creativity is equivalent to zero.

I'm new here and I enjoy reading your stories.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

She watches YT videos and gets inspired from those.. you can do that.. please do not feel bad about yourself, nobody is perfect here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wait. So she watches horror stories with you too? Damn. How old is she?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

She watches but not with me, she does that in her own tab.. and she is 9. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago