Factors That Triggers Sales

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3 years ago


If you can ace all these factors, then you've got no worries.

1. Price

Before you show up to us. You must have done series of assignments.

You must have checked and compared prices of your goods/product to that of your competitors.

Your price should be competitive if not affordable. All depends on the kind of goods you offer.

If your price is way beyond the normal and you can't back it up with a good brand. You would hardly make sales.

  1. Unique Selling Point (USP)

After price, what would make people want to buy form you is your USP.

How do you advertise what you sell?

How do you prove to us that we can trust you?

How attractive do you make your product look?

How does your product meet our current needs and ultimately our satisfaction?

  1. Product Quality and Quantity

Yes❕This is very crucial. If you stumble at this point, then there would be no continuity of sales for you. In fact you would run out of business. I hope this doesn't happen to any of you.

At first trial, if you are unable to convince your customers to keep patronizing then you won't be making sales.

You need to offer them the very best service. The best available product. If you don't have at that moment. It would be best for you to refer them to someone else, rather than ruin everything just for one shot.

Do speak nicely to your customers please.

The first impression thing really matters in business too.

  1. Brand

This five-letter word is your Guardian angel in business.

It encompasses everything you need to run and stay in business.

Branding is wide, more like a world on it's own.

Your brand is your unique identity. Your brand is what differentiates you from other snippers within your range. Your brand is your vision, mission and goals. Your brand is the reason why you started your business📊 and many more.

  1. The Bond

This is a sub section of branding. For your sake I must mention it. One last thing that would make me or any other person buy from you is the bond we share.

Well I'd consider friends and family first before stepping out.

Strangers are holding claw hammers while you the closer ones are holding sledge hammers.

Don't over do it❗ Build a strong bond❗Keep your circles intact and then you'd make sales. Aside sales there are other benefits you would derive from keeping a good bond.

Do try these 5 tips and kindly give me a feed back.

I am @The_primer and I am yours truly on this battle field.

Do have a productive week♠️

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3 years ago
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Thank you for this info. It will come in handy.

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3 years ago