Read her mind, Before she speaks

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There are many different ways in which we communicate our thoughts but most of them can be controlled and manipulated. There is one thing that is most loyal and must be taken care of and convey the emotions accurately is body language. Body language cannot be manipulated and every time gives you more accurate predictions while communicating.

What is body language?

Body language is a form of communication through physical behavior as your body cannot be controlled and it exhibits few important signals about what you actually want to speak. We all know there are times when we want to say something or we want to know whether he or she is loyal, speaking the truth. It includes expression of face, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space, tone of voice.

Body language is found in both animals and humans. 

I know that it was a lame joke, still, you can smile at my happiness.

Body language is also known as kinesics.

Why can body language be trusted more than words?

 It is used by FBI agents, detectives, investigating officers, to check the authenticity of the statement given by the suspects and victims. There are many shows, one of them being "lie to me" which protects and gives information about body language. Dr. Cal Lightman, a renowned FBI agent, shares the story of a case in Bauch, 2009. Dr. Cal lightman was once speaking to a suspect of a case but the suspect was hardly speaking, or giving any response. Dr. Lightman was keenly observing his body gestures, on what questions the suspect was giving which response. During a lecture. he expressed it was very clear after that during a particular question when they were discussing the locations of crime and its sublocation. The suspect was happy and later it was found that the location was incorrect, indicating that the suspect was not clean in it. Although he was trying to conceal his happiness from others, for around ⅕ second he was happy during the investigation. that help to solve the case.

There are many such examples as the above.

Once I was confused with the behavior of my boss, I had to go for the renewal of my contract. Although she sounds positive, her body language was somewhat opposite to what she conveyed. I decided to go with body language rather than words and I started searching for jobs. After a few days, she stated that due to some reason I can not continue further. there was no renewal of the contract. And because I had guessed it earlier I got minimal damage.

"Feet behavior" of a person is something which they cannot control and it never lies.

This is one of my favorite cues while reading body language: the positioning of the feet. I have written here about only a few gestures but we will discuss more of them later in the upcoming articles.

"Feet Pointing Cues "

"Focus on the position of feet"

Thumb rule: Look at the feet if her feet point towards you, (both the feet) point towards you then it is "feet point cue". 

What does it Mean: If her feet point towards someone, it will mean she is interested in that person. During a group conversation look at the feet pointing in the direction of people,  the feet point towards the person they are highly attached to or interested in at that moment. 

Even during a group conversation the person always look towards the close person while laughing 

Feet pointing cue is an important sign to know interest radar.

How to use it: if you want someone to know that you are interested in someone, point your feet towards them.

The "V" shape- Feet language

If you want to know whether to carry the conversation or off it. look at her feet if it is in "V" shape, it is a signal to continue the conversation or to go and start a conversation. 

Once, A friend of mine was in love with a girl and wanted to start a  conversation. One day he found her in a community park, walking, and was still thinking whether to start communication or not. And then he noticed the position of her feet walking near him. It was a "V" formation. When she passed nearby him he approached her and it was a positive conversation. They went out for dinner that day.

What does the "V" feet sign mean?

 It is a signal of mutual interest opening embrace of feet means welcome 

When to use it? 

When approaching someone, pay close attention to their feet if it is in "V" then it is a green light, outside of v-shaped means no interest in communication

Below is an Outside "V" position.

It is the beginning not the end of the article... I will write about body language in further articles.

Thank you!!

See you soon...

(To be continued...)

My introductory article:

$ 0.06
$ 0.05 from @Kristofferquincy
$ 0.01 from @VinceCharlie


Quite an interesting article. I'd be anticipating your future articles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you... I will be writing and compiling all the articles soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Understanding body language is essential for a successful conversation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes .. that is very true..

$ 0.00
2 years ago