The Story Of Famous Pronto - The Parrot

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Written by
2 years ago

Looks like my fun days are over haha. I am getting lots of home errands as people see me as a free guy because I am doing work from home. They aren't wrong but wrong also. Ah, leave them.

Bear my inactivity for a few days. So today guys, I have an awesome motivational kid like story for you.

And no this isn't any Famous story it's just my imagination and thoughts.

Just focus on the message.

Once in a Jungle, there was a Parrot named Pronto. He was a total show-off guy. One can always find him talking with other animals about how great he is.

Meet Pronto's friend, who told me this story.

Pronto was living in a parrot colony that was nearby a military area. He use to fool other birds and boast that even the military men follow his orders. During marching time, he use to make sounds when they turn left, and right. And say that they are following his orders.

But the reality was different.

It was summer season and many hunters have came into the jungle with rifles. Their prey was flying birds. Soon the news spread to the whole jungle and birds were advised not to fly freely in the sky.

Hmm, who advised them is still a mystery!

But Pronto didn't take it seriously and fly up in the sky, after a minute only the hunters saw him and were shot. Pronto landed heavily on the ground near the river and was about to die but hopefully, he was saved by a Duck. That duck immediately hid him in a bush near the river. Luckily they didn't check the bushes near the river.

When pronto came back to his senses, he was shocked to get the royal treatment from other ducks. He asked some of the ducks how he came there.

They told him that he was saved by none other than the Duck KING himself Dudo. When they were talking about this, Dudo also came and greeted him. Dudu asked how are you now. He replied I'm fine!

Dudo asked him again Who are you? Pronto told him that just like him, he is also the king of Parrots and even humans salute him, such a great King he is! ( His boasting starts again ) Pronto was so confident in his words that nobody doubted him that he is lying.

As Pronto was recovering, both of them have become good friends. While talking about him, Pronto even invited Dudo to come and see his kingdom also.

When Pronto recovered fully, Dudo wished to see his kingdom which he was talking about earlier. Also, the hunters have already left the jungle.

So the next day, Pronto took him to show him the military area where humans salute him. It was marching time and every military man was saluting in a single direction and coincidentally towards him Pronto. So, Dudo didn't realise that it was fake.

Pronto used to make sounds while the military men were marching that see Dudo they are following my every command.

Dudo became very impressed by Pronto.

Dudo asked him I want to see this once more, and Pronto again started making noises.

The military men were about to go to war and one of the men was very pissed at Pronto's noise as every marching time he used to disturb them with his sound, so in anger, the military man shot one bullet in the direction from which the sound was coming from.

And suddenly, Pronto got hit by it and instantly he died. Dudo didn't know what is happening before his eyes and he hid himself in a tree hole.

Luckily the military man didn't bother after they didn't hear Pronto's voice.

Later from other parrots, Dudo realised what type of guy Pronto was!

And thanked God that the bullet didn't hit him.

Final Thoughts

Unnecessary boasting and show-off, one day can put you in a life-death situation. Never go overboard to show off yourself.

Who knows unintentionally you are attracting a lot of trouble. You may have seen a lot of over-showoff acts on social media which a moment later become a total turn-off.

And this time I want you to share your final thoughts in the comment section. I'm currently travelling, people calling me here and there. Can't focus at all and complete this section.

*I am also on some other Platforms, Don't forget to connect with me.



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Written by
2 years ago


Birds are remarkable animals. So is this parrot; if we could understand its language!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Love the lesson in this story my friend. We should not boast at all times. We should remain humble.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Pronto is just like my friend who always show-off in front of everyone even after getting caught most of the time

$ 0.01
2 years ago

May he don't get overboard like Pronto.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Humility is very essential in life. Bragging about what you have and the venue what you don't have is not ideal

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Most parrots I know are just all noise but no substance at all. I'm referring to people there :D

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Lol. Even though pronto had survived the second time, he still wouldn't hav changed. There are people like that..... A leopard never changes his spots

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha see Pronto, people have such high expectations for you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We should never spread lies,instead we can keep ourself doing good and always be true to ourselves. I like the names of the characters,dudu and pronto.This story is not for kids but for adults as well.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Even the birds proved us that all things in this world are not permanent. Like us, we have end.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh, I was finally very upset about what happened to Pronto. But I totally agree with you my friend. Showing off and bragging too much will surely cause us trouble one day, because many people don't like these behaviors.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yup who knows the other guy is an impulsive and can't tolerate such attitude.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Why can't hw juat be humble no. Now he just taste the wrath of a pissed Soldier, tsk tsk.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Lesson learned, we should not boast for what we have. Talents are given for us to use only in good way not to fraud anyone.

$ 0.01
2 years ago