The Best Trip Of Monsoon

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Monsoon, Travel, Blogging, Explore, Trip, ...

Monsoon has started to hit in the several parts of the world. And is already showering its blessings like crazy in some places. Nature is fierce and beautiful at the same time and from time to time, it reminds humans who's the boss.

With half of the day raining this is the worst time to go on a travel trip and now the monsoon has already started. You will get wet, without having wet dreams, lol! Not to mention the mud and dirty road water which can spoil your cleanliness.

I have done travellings in monsoon season and each trip cost me to wash my clothes on the same day and wait for 2 days for them to dry up, haha. No umbrella saves you when the rain is fierce only the raincoat works.

I haven't shared many travelling posts. Though I travelled a fair amount of places. But today will be different, I will give you a tour of one of the most wonderful and perfect moments, I spent with nature.

It was the best travelling experience. And the interesting fact about this trip is that it was done during the monsoon season the previous year. I have shared some of those memories on noise.Our location was ' Ayodhya Hills ', a location in another state named "West Bengal". Which is 130-140 km away from my city. A hilly region which is famous for the Dam view on a hill and its temple.The temple was located way high on the hill, but the road was top-notch there.

The previous year 2021, it was monsoon time but for some reason, it wasn't raining for two days. And being stuck for so long. I decided to propose the plan of going on a single-day trip to my friends.

Soon the trip was confirmed and the unexplored location, Ayodhya Hills was decided. I had a good friend so with a bit of shame, I borrowed his big car and gave him my small family one, haha. A fair trade exchange with less fees.

And as usual, at the last moment, one guy tried to cancel the trip, I was eager and excited and so everyone left that friend. Are we cruel?

I'm in light blue though at the mid, surrounded by my bodyguards, haha. Why the hell everyone looks funny here!

But at the last moment, his two brothers requested a lot that they also want to come. The car was capable of adjusting 6 mid-size small-ass people but we have big-ass people, so we were 7 total one had to sit in someone's lap and cover the trip of 140kms. Also two friends of West Bengal joined us later on.

I was the second skinniest guy in my group but I was the one and only driver. So except me, everyone struggled a bit on the trip, constantly moving their asses, lol.

The trip started, after border check and entering the different states we saw that it was raining. Everyone looked at the guy who was responsible for checking the weather, luckily he was innocent and did his part or else he would have suffered some heavy punishment, haha. It's just that the google weather betrayed us and we got unlucky. But in reality, did we?

After reaching the place, it was foggy and showering and at some point in time, the Sun was also shining. The three culprits were giving us hard time until we reached the place as driving in that condition is difficult. But after reaching the beautiful place we just realised we came at the best moment. The rain was like sprinkling, clouds were there in the sky, peeking Sun.

Feel It for yourself, Best view of Ayodhya Hill.

First of all, we straight away went to the dam and were shocked to see the view. It was like a magical place.

Sheesh, after sometime I was feeling cold.

Without thinking much we started dropping our clothes, just keeping the important one, lol. And dived in that water. Ah, what a cooling and soothing effect. It was a dam so except for one guy nobody went deeper as he was the only guy who knew swimming perfectly. I am ashamed of my inability to learn to swim. It's a survival skill and everyone should know it.

Next, we went to do Puja ( prayer ) in the temples on that hill. I was surprised to see a unique type of temple in which there were pots placed to give shelter to the birds, there were mainly wild pigeons and doves. After doing our puja we went to have our breakfast, it was 1 pm already and none of us ate anything because everyone wanted to do puja first and then enjoy the trip and it's best to worship God when you are clean and empty.

We ate the famous food 'Muri Gugni' of West Bengal lunch or breakfast whatever you prefer to call it. Sorry, I can't find any shots of it.

Surrounded by Fog

Then we went high up on the hill to see the top and main part of the Dam, and damm the view was heavenly. On one side it was too foggy to see anything and on the other, it was a big dam filled with water.

And the cameraman award goes to this guy, he tried his best not to wet the camera lenses.

At that place, the weather was the same mix of rain, sunlight and fog. We clicked a lot of pictures in that wet situation. As one guy brought his DSLR camera.

After that, we stopped at the hotel to fill our stomachs with rice and vegetable dish, no restaurant and nothing fancy this time. And returned safe and sound enjoying the trip.

When you don't have haircut for 2 months, yes we do exist.

We thought that this weather will destroy our fun and day but it was the best moment and experience of my life. The best part was bathing in the dam with weather like that.

Have you went on a trip in Monsoon, did you got lucky?

Note:- All photos and words belongs to me, except the thumbnail is made in PicsArt Pro, no copyrights allowed.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Monsoon, Travel, Blogging, Explore, Trip, ...


Weather will not be a barrier to having fun if you go with your friends. They will make it more effective.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, I can't imagine enjoying this trip all alone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really liked understanding this article, because I don't know who or what MonzΓ³n is, but I'm glad you share illustrations of that great adventure with your friends, that despite the rain and phenomena that don't we can not control it was a great experience, by the way they have a great photographer because those images are great

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, rainy season is known as monsoon season.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Is monsoon season the same as rainy season? If I had your hair texture, I don't think I'd cut it. Would let it grow out and perhaps trim when necessary.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ah, the maintenance is too much. And then get messed up when winds blow. I do like it but setting them and keeping them in one way is costly with time as well as money.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's also monsoon in out area and specially in hostel we girls are enjoying the weather a lit I will write article on it maybe tonight

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yo sure, monsoon can be fun if we try something different.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Monsoon season didn't allow us to go to trip actually the rain started yesterday and the water stopped in the street that didn't allow us to go out

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Omg this look so much fun. Some had bad time while traveling but iverall it still fun coz you were able to do a lot of things eh 🀩🀩

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good photos. Ayodhya Hill is a scenic place indeed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One of my cousins worked there and he always says how beautiful the country sides are.. definitely visible from these pics

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're all good-looking and it seems that you enjoyed it very well. And, you have such a beautiful place.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That was fun indeed. The weather did'nt stopped you guys to have real fun. And to dipped into waters with a cold weather, crazy huh? Nice place too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's so beautiful now I want to visit West Bengal, earlier I never had planned to visit West Bengal.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I enjoyed reading your experience during thr monsoon season, but what made me smile was the pic where you said thst you're in light blue surrounded with bodyguards. I don't know why, I just find it silly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Brother I don't like to travel in rainy session because life is important we can lost it due to more chances of accidents. Your Dam side is too awesome. I wish I would have to swim in this cold water. You are still looking pretty good without hair cutting. Don't take it so much serious πŸ˜‚.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, if I survive today I can enjoy later on. It was no rain for two days so we thought it to be a safe day. But got a bit unlucky and later lucky, haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago