Teenage Hobbies Can Be Destructive

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Written by
2 years ago

What, how can hobbies be dangerous? In fact, they serve the purpose of chilling and giving peace to our minds. I agree with that thing but here I want to talk about a type of hobby, a deep fondness which in many people especially teenagers is considered a bad trait for them. It may be like excessive gaming, shopping, dressing better than rest of the people, drinking, gambling etc which trigger them to use or spent money without second thinking. The high status activity which we set for ourselves.

Let's understand this better thorough some examples of which type of hobby I am pointing to and this is mostly found in teenagers.

  • A hobby or deep fondness to always look better than the rest and for that one do anything, purchase anything even if he/she are poor or in bad financial condition.

  • An enthusiast who likes to try techs first than any other humans. Like a hobby of trying new smartphones.

  • A person who loves shopping, a person who loves gambling.

These hobbies are normal ones but with individual personalities and lifestyles many times they don't match and people mostly teenagers go to extreme lengths to fulfil them. I would be taking my older cousin's brother's example. He is kind of messed up due to this hobby.

This habit or hobby is known as 'Shauk' in Hindi language and there's a slang saying in my language which I will translate in English " Hobby Is A very Bitchy Thing", lol!

So, my brother had a huge crush for bikes, especially sports bikes and the first thing after getting the graduation scholarship he bought a sports bike costing, around 2700$ but he took it in EMI and is still paying it and has paid more than 3000$ already. He had no job or no source of income yet a mature teenager took the risk of buying the bike at 21 age. He got lucky as one of his Brother in law supported him and became the guranteer as it's not easy to get that high price bike on EMI for a non-working student. For one year, somehow everything went fine. They were able to pay EMI through friends and all. Later after a year, he started struggling to pay the EMI and at that time the brother-in-law also left supporting him. And after graduation, he went on working. He got a job but the pay is very low like 125$/ month and so he can somehow pay for the bike. He had to sacrifice the twenties and spend his day on a 10 hour job. His family's condition is average and they already have two brothers in 20s age so there was no possibility of house support. As everyone was against his decision of buying it.

Now you must be thinking what a foolish immature guy, but trust me I know that person better personally. He was the pillar of maturity among my other cousins, I have seen handling lots of matured family decisions. But his fondness for sports bikes took over his life's fun. He regrets a lot buying a bike as he is too pressured to pay the EMI and during the lockdown period, it was very difficult for him to pay. He had to beg a lot. I accept that's Karma and what happened with him he deserves it, yeah I'm cruel. And I want to point out his unnecessary hobby, cost a lot to him in his teenage and destroyed his teenage life. He purchased it as he thought as that brother in law will support him. But he didn't.

Similarly, I have one friend who loves smartphones and changes his phone in every 6 months, god knows where he gets money from. Probably from what I know his grandparents are too generous. His family's business condition is a bit in a bad phase and now he wants to buy the iPhone 13 latest version. He says he will get it at any cost, it doesn't matter to him how bad his financial conditions are. It's like a child's demand.

Man, I tried a lot to put some common sense in his brain but he was too hooked with his fondness for smartphones.

Final Thoughts

All these habits and fondness are small to start but for some people, they get bigger and change their human personalities completely in severe situations. Making them take rash and foolish decisions.

Do you have any of these types of traits? I had of gaming for which I used to do anything just to play a game. My fondness for it was to the next level. I wasted a lot of money on those and became puppet of some people. They gave me a sense of pleasure but sometime later they bit me hard.

Similarly, a person's shopping addiction can be severe in many conditions. While our family is struggling we are ordering things for ourself, just because we can't wait a month more. This may look like a small thing. But in some cases it brings out your selfish nature.

Hobbies can be your source of power and your source of destruction as many times people work hard to get those hobbies and many times they use everything around them becoming selfish and foolish to get them.

"And first stand on your feet yourself then go for these types of hobbies."

So as a human, be mature and control those hobbies and urges. Sometimes it's better to know and be in your limit.

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Written by
2 years ago


My friend TheGuy's gambling addiction is very harmful to teenagers

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A person should be get attracted by those type of habits which would be beneficial for him

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup choose a good taste to avoid those types of conditions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some teenagers are impulsive qnd immature to discern things, that's why they fell. He must be so fond of that kind of bike to risk his teenage life. I never done anything like that out of fondness. Maybe, I have a better self control. 😌

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Impulsive teenagers lack self control and maturity that was the reason of his foolish decision.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That was pricey bro. Perhaps he loved the brand and bike so much to risk buying it. I cannot take that if I were him. Haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ah, he still loves it madly. He suffered a lot for that bike. He regrets but also happy that he was able to experience it at such an early age. Haha, such a troublesome situation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I remember so many people. One of them was my sister. She used to buy expensive and branded clothes whenever she receives allowances from my parents or from my grandma. Another one was my friend's family, I don't know if they already solved this thing but they used to go out for travels weekly as their family hobby and yet they'd borrow money for their food the following days/weeks. They used to go out weekly even if they spent more than what they already have.

Indeed, it's both destructive and helpful at the same time. I guess it is all about being excessive. Too much could kill you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Unless you are capable and on a strong position in your life, one shouldn't go for those types of activities.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was not like that, I did not have those hobbies but I had them after I grew up, and you are right, they are habits that must be eliminated

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hey, hey c'mon remove them early they may have a bad impact later on.

$ 0.00
2 years ago