Extreme Weather Events Impacting The Earth

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2 years ago

In many countries of Europe, life has been disturbed by the heat, while many cities of India are submerged due to the smoky rain in a few hours. All this is the result of extreme weather events, which are taking the whole world in its clutches. By now probably everyone can see it through their own eyes. The irregularities happening in the world are related to weather.

While the incidents of heat waves and drought are breaking records year after year, the incidents of extreme rainfall and storms have also started scaring the world. The climate change that was being discussed for years, and its effects are now visible.

Still now if people can't see the extreme weather events then let me give some examples to you.

Record Breaking Heat In This Summer

In many countries this year, summer was felt too hot for the first time like in Taiwan, Hongkong, London, etc it broke records and the temp was higher than 40°C in July months which isn't normal for those regions.

And in the Eastern Mediterranean region, it reached more than 50°C which is too much and due to that even birds are dying there. One of my friends from there shared about his weather condition a few days ago.

The Raining Cycle In India Is Changed

Extreme rainfall in India has broken many records in 2022. Assam and Meghalaya have recorded the highest rainfall so far this year, my state Jharkhand has 40% less rainfall than the previous year which is very less to do with the farming of crops. Although there was no significant difference in the amount of rainfall from the annual point of view, but the rainfall pattern is changing on a large scale. The change in the pattern means that earlier it used to rain for more days, now it rains for a few hours. Also, the frequency of incidents like landslides, heavy rain, hailstorms, and cloudbursts in India has increased. And due to this uneven rainfall, some places are experiencing floods and drought.

Previous Six Months, The Casualties Of Weather Disasters Is Increased

The prime example is the Philippines which has been struck by 2-3 big typhoons and storms in the recent 6 months. Lots of huge forests caught fire and burnt like nothing taking away innocent animals with them.

The changing weather events aren't normal and are a sign of a bad omen. Apart from life and property these weather events are now affecting crops also. In intense heat and irregular water supply, as most of the farmers depend on rainfall, the crops aren't surviving. India had a Lemon crisis for a month in which it was sold 5-10X from its original price for a few months.


Global warming is the major reason for this. Every year there is increase in temperature due to cutting of trees and half assed projects producing and releasing a lot of carbon in Earth's atmosphere. The environmentalists and nature experts are shouting from years ago about the melting of glaciers and Antartica region. And if that happens most of world will be submerged in water. Sure we can take this as a kid's threat and later be a part of new Atlantis, only problem is we will be dead deep down in the water.

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Final Thoughts

This feels like the events happening in movies where life on Earth slowly gets destroyed by the weather changes and natural calamities. And we shouldn't brush this issue off. The signs of imbalance in Earth's atmosphere can be seen through our eyes. It's time to stop our half-ass Green Movement and stop projects killing nature.

Nature is harmed don't ignore the harm our human activities are giving it on. The healers of nature were the Trees and Forests but now they are dying in one go like nothing both by the nature and by the humans.

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Written by
2 years ago


Humans are largely responsible for this major change in climate. These extreme heat and untimely rains and natural calamities are caused by humans. Since human hands are behind it, humans must pay the ultimate price for it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Obviously but we are dragging the innocent animals and birds with us. We are very cruel for this world.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah you are right

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's disheartening seeing people even in developed nations ignore the signs and effects of global warming. It did not just start today, it's been brewing for years but the people are blindsided by money and supposed development that is depleting our eco system.

Even here in Nigeria, it's hard to even know what season you're in due to inconsistencies in the weather. It's time we all joined hands to save our earth before it's too late

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I guess the education, ideas, inventions are only focused on money and progression ignoring the nature. A decade more and if we don't get serious we will have serious consequences.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly, most of them hide behind the environmentalist mantra but their real aim is to make money.

I hope we wake up soon

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Global warming is caused by high temperature acid rains smog and floods. We are also experiencing flood and continues rains that has damage the huge area and cause death around 200 person in last two weeks

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Flood has destroyed us too this time. Saw lots of people vehicles and cattles being washed away in water like nothing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Climate change is starting to occur but we didn't feel it.. We must take a solution for this environmental issues before it get worse..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Now every corner of the world is feeling it. The environmentalists have shared some ways but are being shut down by corporates, businessman and governments as it's against their profit policy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Climate change is big issue due to depletion of Green house Gas gases layer in space. I hope we shall be able to fight against these factors which are drastic for our environment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's easy to destroy but hard to create. I hope people get this about Earth.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Global warming is becoming more intense as technology gets more advanced. I still remember when our chemistry professor told us about, chemicals making holes in the ozone layer, which allows direct sunlight to reach us. That is the reason for the increased temperature in some part of the world

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Obviously one can't stand against the Sun for 5 minutes in noon in summers and normal days.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As summer has dome many tremendous work over there, raining season here, as destroyed and demolished so lot of things, like taking away of house roofs, falling of big trees on houses, collapsing of different houses

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same in our country. In most of the metro cities cars were sailing like boats.

$ 0.00
2 years ago