Ask Questions, You Are Missing A Lot

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Written by
1 year ago

Ask me any question I will answer, right or wrong I even don't know about it, lol. Asking questions is one of the strong weapon of a rising enthusiastic person as 'The More You Ask The More You Know'. One thing which I lacked greatly after hitting teenage is the ability and confidence to ask questions to teachers or even other people which I didn't understand. I wasn't like that earlier, in fact, I was the most curious Question asker till class 7 but after shifting to a new school I became shy and wasn't able to change myself much on the exposing side.

And so I rarely asked the question to my teachers even though I didn't understand something in class, it was not complete but I hesitated a lot and the ratio was 20/100 when I cleared my query with teachers. Luckily I have another good trait for thinking and searching for questions by myself which definitely backed by academic years.

But as of now, I look back to it, and I realize I missed developing myself into a better version by not asking questions so here are some realizing points that will make you realize why asking questions is a great habit to become better in life.

Improvement In Thinking

When asking a question to someone and upon hearing their answer you will see a different point of view ultimately making you think with a bigger picture with improving your thinking ability. If not asked we never see the complete picture and have the same old type of thinking.

Ability Of Rethinking

In order to understand the answer one rethinks a lot as to know how it's possible, what's the process, how I didn't get it etc. This rethinking ability indirectly creates better thinking, reasoning, and memorizing power. Rethinking is a very powerful thinking habit capable of solving questions by yourself, picking your own mistakes, finding vulnerabilities, etc. The bloggers constitute a complete blog through the power of rethinking mostly, no matter how much forgetful they are in real life.

Welcoming New Thoughts

The day you stopped welcoming new thoughts, and ideas are the day you stop improving yourself. The world is a big place filled with many types of knowledge and things that you aren't even aware of. When you ask a question, you open an opportunity to welcome new thoughts. No matter how much of an expert you are never be shy to ask when you don't understand or have a different perspective on the question.

Building Self Confidence

The kids or students who never hesitated to ask questions are the most extroverted souls of the future. No matter how good or bad in studies they were filled with confidence when they grew up. It was all due to the small habit of asking questions. I still remember those friends of mine who even questioned the principal and head teachers, lol. No matter how baseless their questions sounded. And building Self Confidence from an early age is an easy solution to survive in current society and counter stress and depression.

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Final Thoughts

I must say encourage the young people to ask questions so that will they will develop faster with proper logical reasoning, and thinking ability. I didn't mention the part of how this nature can bring a mentally strong future of people with hard intelligent minds in which they can't be manipulated or fooled easily as they will ask questions to every shady thing and if the other party fails to answer them with a satisfactory answer then the propaganda and manipulation can be easily thrashed from our society.

And now in the end, my time to ask questions, lol.

Tell me something which I don't know. It can be related to any field or sector, even cultural, historical, Crypto related things are expected. Try to give me some hidden secrets.

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Written by
1 year ago


To be honest, I hate asking questions coz that will lead to more talk which unappealing to me, lol. You know teens, or maybe just me, but I don't really like atudying ajahahaha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I can only encourage you, nothing more. It just takes 1-2 times to build up the courage after that you become comfortable.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I agree with you. Its better to ask question and not just follow what was all of us used to

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We get a better clarification upon hearing answer from the experienced ones. If we want to gain more knowledge we have to ask.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Better to get clarification by asking questions than to not ask and not be sure. We just have to get past being afraid to ask. We just have to be confident of our questions.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It only takes one to two experience to open up like that. We should always encourage people to ask questions comfortably.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Rethinking helps us to keep a particular concept in long term memory

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, which in turn acts as a source of knowledge for you as you stored a lot of information while rethinking.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Asking questions is literally need somehow. It's a great idea for the things that we didn't know and to know what we should know. But sometimes, there are people hai are ashamed to ask because they are afraid to be ignored and rejected.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's the common issue, I myself felt that way. We have to encourage people to be comfortable and open up and ask without thinking much.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sometimes we feel shy to ask any questions from other and we try to stay quiet 🤫 but now there's a better option for us that ask anything from Google 😂🤣🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hah-a lol, Google will be angry to me that I didn't credited him for his great work of answering questions.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

If we know how to ask questions, we can learn a lot as our confidence increases. Due to my shyness I used to not ask any questions to the teachers which resulted in me missing out on a lot of lessons.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ah, same here. Getting self confidence after teenage is a bit hard and odd. If it's practiced from young age it would turn very beneficial for everyone.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It would have been better for us to practice self-confidence from our childhood. But I have not become confident that I am disappointed.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Doing a question is half solution of our problem. Because when we question , we will think about it and we will give importance to answers. The answers will open new horizons of solutions.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, it doesn't seem that impactful at first. But when we actually do it we can feel how much helpful it is to unlock our brain's potential.

$ 0.00
1 year ago