Apple And Google Getting Business From Twitter's Blue Tick

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1 year ago

The Blue Tick or verified sign feature of the new Twitter led by Elon Musk was one of the most half-researched decisions I have ever seen by a big businessman. The motto was to stop spam and provide a VIP-like service to the blue ticks purchasers but instead, it opened an easy gateway for the spammer, and now we had a huge number of verified scammer Twitter accounts. The good thing is due to the people's pressure and realization Twitter took this decision back and is working to modify it.

I know it would have benefited Twitter greatly but there were other two companies who also would have been benefited greatly and if this feature comes back along with twitter they will also make money.

A few days ago I made a post on new Twitter about how their first step failed and I looked back at my article and found out the real intention of such half-researched decisions led by Elon. The reason was he wanted to make quick bucks and quick business. And I found out he wasn't alone in making money there were the two companies Apple and Google also filling their bags which very few knew about.


Since half of the world uses Smartphones of iPhones and Android devices. And Apple and Google safeguard those devices and operate the payment system on their devices. If you have made in-app purchases on an iOS or Android device you would have realized you don't directly pay it to the developer or company rather a middlemen Google pay service or apple pay service is involved and they initiate the payment. And for this they take commissions for those purchases ranging from 15-30% monthly and yearly. So indirectly Twitter was supporting Apple and Google and giving them business.

That's how world business takes place everything is kind of linked with each other.

How Elon Can Counter This?

I don't know if Elon gets bothered by this system where some of the commissions get distributed to Apple and Google. But he has a solid way not to involve them and introduce the Twitter Blue feature, simply using a Cryptocurrency as a payment. I know not everyone uses Crypto but it can be added as an option and in the future who knows it would completely take over the payment system. Whether it will be Dogecoin or a new Twitter coin or Bitcoin Cash nobody knows. But this is a good alternative to not share Twitter's profits from Blue tick service with anyone.

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Final Thoughts

Directly or indirectly big businesses are linked.

As long as Twitter Blue service is available along with Twitter both Apple and Google will make money until a different payment system is introduced.

By completing this blog, I think he is aware of this problem and may be the company is working to come up with a plan. But I am sure most of us were unaware of it and were thinking he was the only one being benefitted from the Twitter Blue Sponsorship payments.

And tell me did any of you purchased that feature and verified your accounts on Twitter? I guess none.

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Written by
1 year ago


All big tech corporations are allies in business. They help each other. They support the ruling big political parties in different countries.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Everything is linked with the big people, from business to politics. Can't guess what's the real intention of these people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I only got Twitter to follow my son's basketball schedule. Been a member for about two years. How many tweets have I done? Zero... Verified account? lol nah :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hah-a, same I rarely open it and now only using it due to Cashrain.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

No dear I have not get blue tick service actually I joined Twitter just for cash rain

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh same, I am not interested in that verified tick there. Of course in read if they had I would have loved to work for it, haha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago