You are the reason

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We all run into problems and when we can't solve the problem we resort to putting the blame on everyone else involved.Using the famous phrase, you are the reason?
There are many situations in which we resort to using this sentence. We will talk about these situations now and in detail in this article.
We will begin by analyzing how this phrase has been used from when we were children until now when we became conscious adults and men and women.
First, during our school stage in school, we were young children. Of course, all of us were rioting when he was a student at school, but when the time for punishment came, we all tried to evade this punishment and leaned on our colleague in the next seat
We are now talking about children who use this phrase and they are unaware of the consequences in the future because now all their thinking was that putting the blame on the other will end up in deduction of some grades or any other simple punishment because we are just children in the end.
The school stage has ended and the university stage has begun, but many children have grown into the idea of ​​irresponsibility and love the idea of ​​evading the problem that has fallen into it by throwing it at anyone else.
As we all know that in the university there are many projects that we must carry out, and some of these projects must be in groups to be completed on time, but if there is any student who is not responsible and could not complete the department responsible for them, he will put the blame on anyone else from  His colleagues within this project in order to justify themselves before the professor in charge of the material or responsible for this project they were working on
This is very bad because it informs a large group of people who were supposed to achieve high marks in this project or want to get a full mark in this total so that their final score remains very good.
I am currently studying at the university level and I encounter this problem a lot or I suffer from it in almost every project that we have to do in a group, but when this problem occurs, someone blames us in front of the professor.  In front of the professor, but he lies in front of us and blames his family, relatives, or anything in his surroundings.
Of course, in the end, this person will grow up, become irresponsible and useless, and only cause problems for others.
 The university stage ended and we entered practical life, where we went to work in a company in order to build ourselves, achieve our dreams and build our future.
But wherever we go, we will find one of these people who blames others, whether it is to solve a problem or because of his jealousy, because you are superior to him at work and he wants to get down from your rank and remain the superior and he is the favorite of the manager of the company or the manager of the department in which we work, so I will  He creates problems and blames you, or there will be a problem that you have nothing to do with, but this person will go and say you are the cause of this problem and any problem that will occur in the future.

But now we will talk about the emotional relationships that we go through during our lives, most of which end with the separation of these two people.
Everyone during their emotional relationships go through problems between the two parties, either they solve them, or these problems are the reason for the end of this love and this relationship that binds these two people.
And the ability to solve these problems expresses the great love that binds these two people. But when we weaken in front of these problems and make them affect our relationship and end the love between us, or we are strong, we love each other and support each other in order to solve all the problems we face

There are two types of people in this relationship, the first type is the type who gives up quickly and who ends the relationship from the first problem, and he puts the blame on the other because he is irresponsible and does not think about his future with his partner, so he finds it easier and more appropriate not to solve this problem and lay all the blame on his partner  In this case, the relationship ends
The second type is the responsible type, who is used to solving all the problems he faces with love and thinking and in cooperation with his partner, who decided to spend the rest of his life with him.
This is the perfect partner who bears all the pressure and problems and who when you ask why you are doing all this he tells you that you are the reason my love of my life.
In the end, I hope that all of us will be like the second type who solve all his problems by cooperating with his partner and not blaming him.

Thank you very much, my friends, for reading this article, and I hope that these articles will be useful to you and that you can benefit from them and take the useful conclusion, which is to rely on yourself and not blame anyone and get used to bearing responsibility.

$ 0.13
$ 0.05 from @tired_momma
$ 0.04 from @Lara888
$ 0.03 from @GarrethGrey07
+ 1


I like the second type, being responsible person is so adorable. Sometimes I always wanted to find a responsible person to trust but sad to say it is seldom to find. On the first type I don't tolerate to those people who are irresponsible and it's not good for we have different responsibilities.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are right, we are in a time where there are many responsibilities that we must abide by, so we really do not have to tolerate anyone who causes us trouble

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's is impressive, I also agree with we must not tolerate coz it might abuse us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I agree with everything you said, for me I see that most of the time we refer to others if there is punishment, I think this is the human nature

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Indeed, this is the nature of most human beings, but we must overcome this nature

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is the human soul, but remember in every relationship we must give our best and we must be bold to admit our mistakes

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The secret of a successful relationship is mutual trust and giving. We must be bold in admitting our mistakes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago