New Year, New Beginning!

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Avatar for Thania05
2 years ago
Topics: Life, New year, Writing


Every first day of the year, we celebrate a new year and it is such a happier moment to cherish. In celebrating the year, we usually prepare something delicious on the table specifically the round fruits as it symbolizes a good life ahead as the fortune-tellers said, but it is just a prediction not merely a fact. Only God knows regarding our future life. He is the only one who can tell the truth. Our life is based on His will.

As we celebrate, we always look forward to a beautiful year ahead for our lives. We try to imagine our life in the future based on what fortune-tellers say in us. And we can't hide to overthink. We can't hide to assume and imagine it would be true. But, remember that, everything is possible as long as we can still able to do those things we tried to imagine by pursuing what our hearts intention and by trying so hard and to keep going.


Aside from mentioned above mention, a new year symbolizes a new beginning as well. A new day to start a new life from all of the past mistakes and past decisions that fail.

Past Mistakes

All of us have past mistakes for we were not born perfect, so it's normal for us to commit wrongdoings, we can also correct it now as the new year begins. We can minimize the things we usually do to others yet we are trying to be as good as we wanted to be so that our past mistakes will never be the same all over again.

Wrong Decision

Every wrong decision that fails should be replaced by being an optimistic kind of person as the new year starts. We should be positive thinkers because being that kind of individual will lead us to well-managed life. Moreover, we should be reliable in our decisions so that in the next few days it will never turn to be just a mess. We should remember that our life situation is based on the decision we made. It is our choice. So, no matter what is the result, it is our responsibility to face it with a strong heart and mind. Good thing if the decision we made is right, but if it is not, then good luck. You should break a leg. However, everything we made has a remedy on how to solve the mess we made with of course the help of God.

These two negative vibes I mentioned, are an act where we can still have the time to improve it as the new year starts, it is never late to start a new beginning and correct those mistakes and wrong decisions that result in not-so-happy life last year 2021. There are so many ways on how to solve them. Just start it now. Just do it now. We have the free will to when we are going to do it. Remember that, we have a God who will help us to correct those. We should rely on Him. We should ask Him for guidance so that everything we do will fall into place as what we wanted to be. He is just waiting for Goshen we are free to get close to Him.

Author's Wish and Pray this year

This new year 2022, I am looking forward to a new hope to be found to each of us who are still struggling from the disaster that recently happened especially to us that is one of them. Up until this moment, we don't have still electricity and no internet connection due to no signals. I am deeply praying to God to bless us this year with an abundance of what we needed to have especially the basic ones. We are still fighting to rise again and start anew after all the hardships we encounter. I know that God sees us. I know that God has mercy on us. He is in control. There is no need to worry indeed. And I know that one day, everything we prayed and we need will just back to normal again, soon. We are hoping for that. Maybe, it will still take a month before it will be back to normal, but it is okay, as long as it will be back again. We are willing to wait as we always say to God.

Thank you for spending your time reading this article. God bless you and a happy prosperous new year. ๐Ÿ˜‡

Additional Say:

I just want to apologize if I am still not so active these days for the reason that we don't still have electricity and signals that cause us not to have an internet connection in our place due to Typhoon Odette. At this time, I am here in the City just to publish this article I made from the very first day of the month in the middle of the night as we welcome the new year 2022 and I had the chance today to post this. It took me 30 minutes before I arrived here in the City despite the bad weather. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ Hays!!!

I promise to make up everything I missed soon if everything will be back to normal again. I do hope that you understand and consider my situation now. Thank you so much.๐Ÿ’•

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Avatar for Thania05
2 years ago
Topics: Life, New year, Writing


No worries. We do understand your situation. Ate Judith1969 on the other hand does not have internet connection and electricity I think. Happy New Year Thania05. ๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This year I started to cut ties from toxic people and I just focus on moving forward without regrets. Mistakes make me more stronger and wiser so I'm thankful for my mistakes.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh. That is great to hear as somewhat good thing to do. ๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I see this year as a new beginning for us all and an opportunity to learn from our mistakes and perform better than we did in the previous year.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, that is what i mean to say. Good job๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
2 years ago