In this way, the cat tells you that loves you

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4 years ago

Good morning my friends....I hope you slept well....I was.

Today I am writing about our pat...CATS!!!! Enjoy reading my post!

Of course, every cat owner loves their family member and we like to believe that they love us. Dogs show affection and love in a more familiar way, they are also a little more dependent on us. It’s different with cats; these animals are much more independent, but also express themselves in different ways. From this, many people have concluded that cats just do not like or. they are not tied to their owners.

But this is far from the case - cats can also love their family, but they show love differently. Here are some examples of ways your pet can communicate to you that he loves you.


When people touch each other with their faces, we perceive this very clearly as a kind of affection. In cats, rubbing their heads means that they trust us, appreciate us and that they feel safe around us. The cat also has special glands on its face that secrete pheromones, which in this case perform the function of marking territory. This means that by rubbing, he marks you as his own, and other cats will also smell that you "belong" to your cat when they come in contact with you.


If your cat is constantly biting you, it may even be looking at you a little. Of course, this is not a strong bite that can occur in an attack - bites out of affection are gentle and more tickling than painful.


Probably no cat owner is most enthusiastic about a dead bird that a cat brings to the mat, but a cat shows you love with it. Despite domestication, these animals still have a strong instinct. Sharing prey with you is a sign of friendship and trust. With such gifts, she also communicates to you that she is ready to take care of you. If such a surprise awaits you at the door, don't turn around the cat,as this would make her show her love. In these animals, eliminating such behavior is virtually impossible - the only thing that eliminates cat hunting is if you have it exclusively indoors.


Already direct eye contact cats use only for people who love and trust them. However, if the look is also accompanied by a slow squint, you are really something special for the cat. Some even say that slow squinting is a feline version of a kiss.


In most animals, the tail is extremely important for communication and cats are no exception here. If you watch your pet’s tail closely, you’ll learn a lot about how the cat feels about you. If the tail is in the form of a question, the cat greets you kindly. If the tail is in an upright position, the cat trusts you. If the tip of a cat's tail twitches while your pet is approaching, it means she is happy.

There are many more signs of love in the feline world, so we can undoubtedly conclude that cats also feel and express love. As with humans, animals have different ways of expressing themselves, so don't worry if you haven't noticed the above signs in your cat. If you love your pet and take proper care of her, deal with her and give her attention, we have no doubt that she loves you too.

I made photos of my cat.His name is Macek.We have It has been with us for many years I think around 8.I hope he will live long time.WE LOVE HIM A LOT!

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Teji
Written by
4 years ago


Cats have some spiritual power for sure i read it on some article in the astro or something news

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hm, you told us a lot about cats, we didn't even notice some of them. Your cat is so cute and beautiful...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ako volite mačke – radujte se. Mace nisu samo čupave grudve koje nas uveseljavaju svojim njuškicama i mekanim šapama, već u naš život donose i mnoge druge blagodeti.Prema studiji iz 2008. godine koju su sproveli naučnici sa univerziteta u Minesoti, vlasnici mačaka trpe mnogo manji rizik od smrti usled srčanog udara. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo oko 4.500 osoba (od kojih je tri od pet ispitanika imalo mačku za ljubimca) i to u periodu od deset godina. Prateći zdravlje srca učesnika studije tokom cele decenije, naučnici su ustanovili da vlasnici mačaka imaju čak 30 odsto manji rizik od infarkta od osoba koji nemaju cica-mace u domu. Još jedna studija američkih istraživača iz 2009. godine dopunila je ovu studiju i pokazala da su vlasnici mačaka boljeg kardiovaskularnog zdravlja, te da ih znatno ređe zadesi i moždani udar.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

znači dobre su i za zdravlje

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Da da imaces zdravo srce!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Mačjim ponašanjem vladaju mnogi instinkti. Donošenje lovine vlasnicima nije potpuno objašnjeno, ali se pretpostavlja da predstavlja potrebu da Vas "nahrani" ili "nagradi" . Osim toga, mnogi vlasnici stječu dojam da se mace u stvari žele "pohvaliti" lovinom. Što god bio pravi uzrok vrlo je teško odučiti mačke da donose lovinu. Kao i u drugim konfliktnim situacijama prije svega životinji morate točno dati do znanja što želite. Poklon, na primjer, stavite na karton i odnesite na neko udaljeno mjesto s tim da Vas maca slijedi.

Na odabranom mjestu spustite plijen i tu pohvalite macu i nagradite je nekom ukusnom poslasticom. Budite uporni, odnosite "poklone" uvijek na isto mjesto tako da Vaša ljubimica postepeno shvati što Vi želite.

Izbjegavajte ukore i zabrane jer maca samo slijedi svoje instinkte i iskreno vjerujem da Vam na svoj način želi zahvaliti i uzvratiti ljubav i pažnju.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Imala Sam macku, zvala se Milojka ☺️ nasla sam je na putu od skole do kuce Kada je bila jako mala, predpostavljam da se izgubila. Bila je ja mislim oko 5 godina sa mama I onda je nestala.. Bila je predivna I bas umiljata.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

jaoooo šteta....da omiljene su to životinjice

$ 0.00
4 years ago

ma koliko se trudili mi nikada necemo do kraja razumeti macke, jednostavno to su bica koja imaju svoj svet i svoj stepen svesti, tako da je komunikacija i razumevanje na veoma malom nivoou generalno gledano

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4 years ago

sasvim se slažem

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Moj Elmer davež je kao i svaki mačor jako lenj.. Da lovi miševe nema teorijske šanse. Ali zato se dernja ko lud kad je gladan i sedne pored frižidera i mjauce... E kad se najede, izadje u dvoriste i legne na sred puta. Nema sanse da se pomeri slucajno, nego ga ili preskacemo ili obilazimo...Ali zato kad sam u nekom bljak raspolozenju eto njega da se mazi, da prede i igra. Ma ja obozavam svog Elmera daveža....

$ 0.00
4 years ago

hahah....i naš je kad lijenčina

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your kitten is very nice. Nice and glad. And very good data on how they express their love. I do not have my kitten, but there are many in the neighborhood. How to gain their affection?

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4 years ago

I wanna kisa and hug your cat!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

ohh how nice.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hmm good morning to have a good day support me

$ 0.00
4 years ago

ggood evening...okay

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4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

As we all know cats are amazing pets they are always beautiful you share amazing tricks to find the love of cat towards us

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you dear

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow it's very cute I love cat and your cats so lovely thanks dear for sharing this nice article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

you are always welcome dear

$ 0.00
4 years ago

My cat loves to scratch the head & blinks a lot that means it loves me a lot too

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yes this is a sin

$ 0.00
4 years ago