Question to ask.....

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2 years ago

 Greetings from my side. First of all Happy EID to all my Muslim community.

May ALLAH bless you with thousands of happy EIDS. I hope all of are doing good. Let me tell you about my day. Ahhhh! It was not good. although it was a great day we are blessed with usually first day of EID is always not good for me. I feel too tired. I have a lot of household chores to do. I have to fulfill my sleep needs hehe heh because I became deprived of sleep during Ramazan.

I usually don’t sleep for whole night in Ramazan because I have to make sehri (breakfast) at 2:30’O clock. after sehri I used to do household chores like dusting, sweeping, washing utensils, moping floor after all these things I got free at 7’O clock at morning and after it, I hardly sleep for 2 or 3 hours. that’s why it was tough rotien in Ramazan . as I eagerly wait for eid but on the day of eid I do nothing except sleep.

Today I didn't sleep for the whole night I was online on till 5:30 in the morning coz I was inactive for 3 days so I have a lot of notifications so I checked all of those notifications. I offered fajr prayer and then again became online hehe hehe it's like an addiction for new users hahaha.

At 5:30 I knocked at my father’s room door to get up and take bath for EID prayer my father, and two brothers got ready for EID prayer and I made breakfast for my whole family. You know my readers it is a beautiful day for me just because on this day my complete family present for breakfast for the whole year my father doesn’t get any holiday we can’t do breakfast altogether. So, my whole family enjoyed breakfast.

After breakfast, my both brothers and my father went to offer prayer. I wash utensils till they come back. When they came back after prayer it was my favorite time. Hahaha, it is eidi time. I take eidi from my mother my father and my brother.

Then for the whole day, I sleep. Hahahaaha nothing else my friends, fellows get ready and sent me their pictures they all were looking gorgeous. but I did not prepare myself because I was tired. At 5’O clock my uncle, aunt and her cute daughter visit us. It was quite happy for me. Still, I am getting bored so I decided to again go on and decided to write something.

I have read a lot of question articles on I just love it coz you can read about others' personalities but I want to write my own questionnaire so I am going to write it today.

  • If you have a rewind button what moment of your life you will rewind?

Ahhh I used to recall my childhood. So, I would like to rewind my childhood. It was a time When the financial situation was not good, we were still very happy and enjoying our life. We did not worry about how Baba would fulfill all our desires. We got everything on time. When our desires were very small. And there were small joys. Today is money. Everything is there but in life, it is not fun and comfortable. There were small mischiefs. I would like to rewind my moments.

  • If you have add button which thing or person will you add?

If there was a button to add something to my life, I would like to add a lot of things like good friends, money, good business, peaceful life.


  • If you have a delete button which thing or person will you want to delete?

Well! I have never hated anyone which I would like to delete but nowadays as I have come up with some such frustrating situations. So based on it I would like to delete the toxicity of some people from my life. I want to delete people who don't value me, to whom I have no status. I want to delete the people who are my own in front of me but in reality, they are no one.

  • If you have a search button which thing or person will you search for?

I once heard somewhere that GOD has made a perfect match for every human being. Every human being in the world has a pure love for a Special one. Loves without any greed or pretense. So I would like to find a person who really loves me. Who is sincere to me because in this day and age no human being is sincere to anyone.

  • Share any mischief of your childhood:

Well! There are many more mischiefs hahaahahah to write here but I have to write one. Let me share one. When I and my elder brother were in childhood. we used to do a large number of mischief daily. But during summer day time when my mother goes to sleep .me and my elder goes out and My brother and I both used to go to the garden to pick mangoes. The garden was very hard, so we used to secretly pluck mangoes from it. We both used to ride bicycles. My brother used to climb the tree and I used to guard it so that no money would come.

One day I realized mischief. Every time my brother climbed the tree, I was standing under the tree. Suddenly I saw Gardner coming. I called my brother and Gardner came and ran away without waiting for my brother. Now, the brother is on top of the tree and Gardner is under the tree. When Gardner took my brother down, he beat him up. And then when my mother brought my brother from the garden, she also scold and beat him. Hahahaha he was just looking at me and I had a naughty smile on my face. Heheheheh I did wrong I admit I shouldn't do this but I was a child at that time. 

So, dear readers, this was from my side. I would like to invite @Gully, @Sumaiyyakainat, and @Bibijani01 to answer these questions. And my all reader if you like it write an article to answer these questions but don’t forget to mention me in your article.i will wait for your prompt response.

 Lead image is from google.

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Avatar for Tanain143
2 years ago


I was laughing very loud when I read your brother's story ...really childhood moments are so beautiful.I haven't plucked mangoes yet even we have fields but we haven't permission to visit ಠ︵ಠ I always dreamt to see and get enjoyment but I couldn't.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

O waooòo! You have mango orchard yummy i would like to taste them hahahahah coz I am crazy for mangoes today i plucked 2 mangoes but you know not reaped yet so these were sour i ate it with salt.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes ... probably mangoes ripped at high temperature I think we'll get mangoes from our orchards in June or July inshallah I had already told my father to send me when mangoes get fully ripped

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everyone has to be responsible to their family. I like to be more responsible.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes ! You are right our family is our responsibility.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You seems quite a hard-working and caring girl of your family. By the way, many of us wants to relive the childhood. And also it's true that many of us cherished the life when they were poor and happy rather than when they have money and unhappy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahahaha thank you for commented well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahahaha thank you for commented well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's quite interesting babe...I ll surely contribute in it by writing an article over it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will be looking for it my girl!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would like to remove my laziness and habit of procrastination from my life these two things can lead my life towards success

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am looking you you can do it. Go ahead .thank you for considering my article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For rewinding, i would obviously do my precious childhood For adding, i would add satisfied life not successful life For removing, i would like to remove the worry of going to die one day. Lol For search, obviously ultimate power Almighty and also I'll search for what actually is written in my fate. Childhood mischief is that, I dialed 15 number, sometimes ambulance number and sometimes fire bridge number from our uncles phone. Giving them deliberately the wrong address of unknown houses was my favourite mischief of childhood.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahahahahahaah your mischief make me laugh. We all have curios about fate heheheh

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will soon share an article on this with you my dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great i will wait for it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago