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Avatar for Talon
Written by
2 years ago

Note: This is not financial advice, as I'm neither a financial adviser or consultant, nor do I know any. This article is for educational purposes only Do your own research before commiting any fund to any project.

Note: All images are screenshots from my phone

Everytime someone argues against Bitcoin cash being the future of cryptocurrency and money, I can't help but laugh. The share amount of developmental work been carried out on the chain by it's community alone is enough to convince anyone of the long term revolutionary potential of Bitcoin cash. Few months back, these developments saw the launching of the EVM sidechain smartBCH. In a matter of months, sBCH has taken over the place by storm. Since it's launch, there hasn't been a glitch and it has met all expectations and exceeded on some metric. As of today, there are more than ninety tokens on sBCH, a good amount of NFT projects as well as play to earn games.

What Role Has Bitcoin.com Played In All This?

Bitcoin.com is a multichain wallet app that was funded by one of the biggest names on the BCH ecosystem. According to them, their mission "is to create more financial freedom in the world"

At Bitcoin.com, they define 'financial freedom' as ability to make choices to one personal resources, unencumbered by trusted third parties, borders or lack of access". In doing this they believe they are helping reduce suffering in the world...to be more economically free". Isn't that an absolute beauty. This they've done by bringing so many people to the world of cryptocurrencies and you can tell from the number of wallet created on the platform as well as their monthly users which runs into twenty nine million and five million respectively.

In the spirit of helping more people become economically free, the platform decided to reward it's community for their crypto activities. What a beautiful platform. This is what led to the creation of VERSE!

Verse is a utility and rewards token intended to reward users who 'contribute and participate in the Bitcoin.com ecosystem". You can earn verse through various means such as providing liquidity to verse DEX, lending pools, cashback when you transact using VERSE, staking etc. One of the things that makes the VERSE token special is the fact that it's going to be multichained, initially starting with Ethereum and SmartBCH. The team also plan to launch a DEX which is already online.

Verse is quite unique in that it seems to take the best part of both the centralized and decentralized crypto worlds and forged itself out of that. Here's a native token of an exchange that can be traded permisionlessly. Splendid!

Put against the native tokens of other exchanges, Verse is poised to exceed them all eventually.

It also has one of the best token distribution around. It's one of the few tokens of which no more than 15% is allocated to the dev team. The team has designed an impressive distribution and supply mechanics as well.

Bitcoin.com and its community.

Screenshot from my phone

I've got to say Verse as well as the whole Bitcoin.com ecosystem is ticking a lot of the right boxes. With such impressive usecases as displayed on the image below, Verse is poised for a really great future and so is Bitcoin.com and its community.

The ball is in your court to decide if you want to be part of this journey to financial and economic freedom as it should be. Will you be joining in the VERSE now or will you rather sit on your hand?

You can get more info here

Join the telegram group here

Thanks for your time.

$ 2.31
$ 2.08 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Eybyoung
$ 0.03 from @FarmGirl
+ 7
Avatar for Talon
Written by
2 years ago


Wooooh! This is amazing! What a development.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yea, right?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Cool. ... development I have to say and thank you for this enlightened

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're welcome friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for the enlightenment. Would sure take a closer look at it on telegram

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're welcome bliqees...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Interesting facts about Verse. I haven't learned so much about this new project of bitcoin.com but with this article of yours, I can see that this development has a great fortune for everyone.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's what we are hoping..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

An amazing development, I must say :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yea, I think so

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The bitcoin. cash ecosystem keeps developing every blessed day. Bitcoin cash for now is the only way in which the world can have financial freedom, without a third party.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Simple, precise and short

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Cool, I was planning to write about Verse but haven't done it haha.,they already launch the Dex on sBCH

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah, they have.. you got as some?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! I marvel when I read or see such knowledge on Bitcoin, eterum, verse and so much more. I just completely have no idea as regards it. I practically have no idea as to how it works.

Bitcoin has really taken its toil globally. I really would like to know about Nft and the others.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

There are a lot of articles on this platform than can help you. Authors such as @jane, @Pantera, @FarmGirl, @Eybyoung, @bmjc98, @Fexonice1 and so on have written a lot of articles on these. You can check them out

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh! Thanks alot Talon, I sure would.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome

$ 0.00
2 years ago