Stretch Your Horizon

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Avatar for Talon
Written by
2 years ago

As much as I wished time would just be stuck in a loop to stop today from ever happening, I couldn't actually stop it from happening and it was as awful as I thought it was going to be, if not more. What I didn't expect is that I would find a little bit of fun and excitement in that awfulness.

The nightmare of a day basically started as early as 4:00AM, when we were all woken up, so there will be ample time for all of us to bathe and get ready for the farm due to the limited facilities available to us ( one bathroom to eleven boys, one kitchen to twenty one people).

I really didn't like it, but there wasn't anything I could really do about it as this was our official day of resumption, hence the need of some coherence and appearance of unity and order in the sight of our instructor. By 6:00AM, while most sane people were still in bed or were just getting out of bed, we were already on our way to the farm. Long as the distance was, we had to go it on foot.

On getting to the farm, the manager gave his excuse of a welcome speech and handed us over to one of the instructors (whom I think I've grown fond of) to give us a tour of the farm. As I would come to know during the tour, the farm is divided into basically three departmeit's which are fisheries, poultry and feed mill department.

It was a good tour as we got to see different types of culture facilities, as well as different species of fish. One of the things that got to me the most is the sheer organisation and planning of the whole farm. It was clearly done by a professional at every stage of construction and development. Anyways those aside.

After the tour, we were divided into two groups, with one group assigned to the poultry and the other assigned to the feed mill and fisheries department. My group was the one assigned to fisheries and feed mill department. This is when things started to get interesting.

We were tasked with formulating three tons of poultry grower mash, but we started with one. By the time we were halfway through it, more than half the group was tired and more than 25% of the group were sitting in one corner or the other, sleeping even. I was quite dissapointed but was a bit sympathetic until the instructor told us that himself and one other staff formulated eight tons yesterday alone. I was really ashamed for my coursemates.

I wondered what kind of laziness could be responsible for this, but I later concluded it's not laziness, it's a small mind horizon resulting from lack of exposure or should I say lack of willingness to be exposed and enlightened that is the problem.

I realised that due to the fact that they've never been to a what I would call a standard farm, they thought all there was to practicing fisheries was the little things they had to deal with at the experimental farm in our school, something they still failed at, complaining all sort of complains and making all sort of excuses.

You might want to say that doesn't justify me saying it's all about a small mind horizon, and I would listen to that until I factor in the fact that only two of these instructors can formulate eight tons conveniently and effortlessly while ten of us can't even finish one. They can do it because they are used to thinking in an horizon large enough for such work, hence it's no big deal to them. This makes them better suited to compete in this space unlike me and my coursemates whom clearly will not be able to run a farm half this size on our home if given the opportunity at all, because somehow it's more than what our mind can even fathom, not to talk of handling it.

From what I've seen today, we are far short of being ready for the labour market or the fisheries industry as it is today and I'm really hoping that by the time we're done with this industrial training, our little thinking horizon would have been expanded enough to make us viable competitors in the labour market and the fisheries industry.

This is sadly true of most of us in terms of certain areas of our lives or our lives in general even, and sadly it is responsible for putting a lot of people on the back burner of life today as they can not compete favourably in a world where every resource in existence is limited.

This is not meant to belittle anyone, but to encourage to strive to think bigger, learn more and better. To expand our learning, thinking and even social horizon to be better positioned for the competition of life.

As for the feed we were tasked to formulate, the instructor decided to let us do just that one since it's our first day. We did have to do other task though, such as washing tanks, disinfecting and netting them as well. All in all, it is turning out to be a very tiring day in many ways, written here and not written (that's the awful part).

I actually wrote this article while having a break at the farm today at about 4:00PM. I went back to work as soon as I was done, with the intent to post it later, because I know by the time I got home, I'll be too wasted to be able to come up with an article or even interact on the platform.

Thanks for your understanding guys and thanks for always reading my articles.

$ 1.85
$ 1.80 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Aimure
$ 0.02 from @Bilqees
Avatar for Talon
Written by
2 years ago


It's good that you're getting exposed and grounded in new things. I hope that by the time this is over you would have accumulated enough knowledge for yourself.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's the goal

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wishing you the best in this new chapter of your academics. Sorry for all the inconveniences. ☺

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks Bliqees for always caring

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome! What an experience you had. But the one bathroom for 11boys got me. How do you guys bath? Do you go in in batches?

$ 0.01
User's avatar xus
2 years ago

Yes, one after the other

$ 0.00
2 years ago