World mental health day

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2 years ago

10 October 2022 this is mental health day today.

The theme of world mental health day is to spread the awareness about the importance and significance of mental health.

So many people poor facing different problems in their life and we don't know from which conditions they are going through and what is the intensity.

Our mind :-

Our mind is one of the most important part of our body. We run our brain like a machine . It helps us solving difficult problems in our life but some problems are really eeire for us and we don't know what to do in these type of conditions.

When we feel pain in our body we went to hospital and after consulting doctor we took medicine. After taking medicine we feel somewhat better. Same happens with our mental health and it matters the most.

Ways to help to improve your mental health:-

In past years , the awareness about mental health was not so common and people were not aware about it. But there was a shift prominently in the COVID pandemic people suffered with mental health issues and that was the time when they addressed their issues. There were so many people who experienced high mental health issues during pandemic because people were encaged in their home they have nothing to do at home back in those days and people were jobless they were pondering about their source of earning because they want to run their home.

There are different ways to improve your mental health.

Detach from your mobile phone :

Comparison is really a bad habit in recent times we have access to Instagram Facebook WhatsApp and other social media platforms and on the all these platform we see the life of other people we compare our lives with the living standards of other but we don't realise the struggle behind that successful life all things which we see on internet are just the happy memories of their lives. When we compare our life with the other people's life it we leave some bad impacts on our life and we start having bad and negative feelings in our mind. We think about their achievements and we start blaming ourselves " why we did not achieved such things in our lives?" These questions effects our mental health.

Also the trend of using mobile is getting popular and people are getting addicted to electronic devices they remain in touch with these electronic devices all the time and they don't focus on their studies and other life activities.

If you are also addicted to mobile so we should do some little efforts to improve our life because our small efforts can bring a massive change in our life.

Sleep well:

These days I am also finding this problem with my own self. Things are really complicated. Actually my daily routine is so much disturbed and I am getting addicted to mobile to such extent that I could not manage my sleeping routines. As I am not taking good sleep due to this I am not properly focusing on my studies. Even in class i remain in dizziness.

Insomnia is a diseases which is growing in young generation. Due to depression and other complications in life people remain awaken whole night and they start analyzing their problems which even disturb them more . They should sleep well. Our sleeping habits also determines our mental health state.

You are precious:

The most common reason behind depression is the lack of self love we have not learnt self love we always look for the support of other people we always attach hope with others and these are the expectations which leave us in the well of depression and at the end we always blame ourselves. We should take ourselves seriously and we should treat ourselves like we treat our loved ones because we matters so much. We should remain concern about others but we should also keep ourselves in consideration. Life is full of roses and stings too we should learn first how to go through from all these things.

So take care of yourself

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2 years ago


Oh, I was thinking to write about this topic that day, but got so busy... good write up and tips for mental health.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for spreading the awareness

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I didn't know it's world mental health day the other day. We really have to guard our mental health these days because we are bombarded with too much information.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mental health will be a real challenge in future to deal with if people don't get it seriously now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Social media has been one of the major factors contributing to the sufferings of our mental health. Too much comparison causing depression

$ 0.00
2 years ago