New month started - empty Bch wallet

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Avatar for Tahastories
1 year ago

September -

The word September comes from a word of ancient Rome - septem and it's mean seven. I was curious that why it was seven so I searched on Google then I found that in ancient times of Rome . The calendars started with march as a first month that is why ! It is seven.

Month of start of autumn

A month, with new zeal, new thoughts and new resolutions.

This month indicates that autumn season is just started and summer season is off. So it means that trees will shed off their beautiful leaves. Greenery will faded away. Does it means that it is end? No it is not... It is a hope for new start. Everything comes with passion. Trees, greenery and other glorious things which have enjoyed the best season of their glory now they have to face the decline . It is the part of life and part of getting experience. Life is name of changes. Although this month indicates the autumn but it is also necessary to see the will power of plants , trees and greenery wether they will grow their leaves in the next season or not? They will go through different phases and this will make them stronger they will experience hard weather conditions and they have to protect themselves then the trees and plants who will survive they can enjoy the summer of next year.

It gives us lessons to be strong because a person who is strong with emotions , senses can face the challenges and if one person is not then you will become strong when you confront them.

Does resolutions bring changes in our life?

Sometimes , I thought that every year when year started we make different resolutions . Did we complete them ? Most of us remain the same just like previous years only our looks changes because of growth and age. Then what is the thing which is cause of change ? That is your rational thoughts and study. Your consistency matters the most. Laziness is the big factor which is hurdle on the way to achieve something .

Month of going back to school:-

During this month my University will get offer and I have to go back to my University the schedule will start again. I know that after going to University my routine will get strict but it would be enjoy able because of your friends. The month of September is also so much important for last year during this month I joining University and it is almost an year . Time flies just like butterfly. In university I don't have so many friends I just have one with which I keep on rounding the university when we have free time we crack so many jokes everytime and we enjoy each little moment. When I go there , I get busy because there is so much home work which I have to do. Our teacher assigned us so many assignments everyday they come with new things. So there is burden but along with this we have time to party. In hostel we all students live like family and share each thing with each other this makes our bond stronger.

3rd month on readcash :-

I am user on read cash from last 2 months my experience was a good during this time I have learnt new things about blogging I know that I am not perfect but I tried my best. September would be third month. I hope that I will glow in this month like a candle .

Empty Bch wallet for September :-

I have withdrawn my money from the wallet because I want to see my progress. I think that every month we make resolution that we will be active on read cash we will post on daily basis this is common now we should change our resolution for read cash . I think we should talk about changes in our lives . We should give lessons about earning platforms because here are so many people who are seeking for earning sites.

$ 0.40
$ 0.36 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Mafer8866
$ 0.01 from @Kacy01
+ 2
Avatar for Tahastories
1 year ago


I also determined that this month I will post on daily basis and I will remain active on read cash

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This month will merit lists display and a new journey is about to start let see what will happen

$ 0.00
1 year ago

New month has started and this month i will remain active - plus also i have to university back

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Happy new month i hope that in this month we remain active on read cash

$ 0.00
1 year ago

September is my birthday month & Best wishes ur way bro, may ur wallet be filled with money & your future with lots of glitters. My wallet is slowly growing as you motivated me.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah the month passed very fastly and in this month I had decided to write an article daily but couldn't I was only able to writhe aon only a few days of them therefore my wallet is also empty

$ 0.00
1 year ago

My wallet is also empty now, due to some important reason. By the way, good luck to you! May you achieve all your goals for this month :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

September, getting closer to the last trimester, I can't stop and think about how fast this year has passed, my favorite season is autumn and I loved reading the way you see this month:)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I wish all the best for you here in readcash and to your studies

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good luck and God bless your study my friend. I missed the days that I was still a student. It's autumn now. Happy new month my friend. Let's start new for this month.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Goals are meant to be achieved. I wish you smooth ride on your journey to achieve your goals here. My goals are not heavy, all I want this a good turn up of rusty

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Right now I had an empty wallet here too, and my goals here is just to post about 25 articles for this month because I had more goals to be achieve in other earning platforms that I had joined. Those earning platforms that I had joined are shared here too in my previous articles.... September is your third month here, happy three months to you!

$ 0.00
1 year ago