How much time to post on readcash?

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Avatar for Tahaintazar
2 years ago

As all of you are familiar that on read cash you have to post a long article and for posting that article it takes too much time for me maybe for most of the user it is not time consuming but for me it is time consuming and I have to first think about my article topic.

How i decide my topic

Generally topic selection is very difficult task for me. When I post content for the day I remain curious that what would be my next article and what would be the topic of that article. There are so many users who post about daily life but I don't prefer to show my life routine and putting myself in read cache rather than I prefer to post quality content which increase the knowledge of people. I think the content also rank up your profile and if you put quality content it will give a good impression in your read cash family. I prefer random topics which are interesting to read. You can also explore them in my account.

Research about content

I first Google about my topic and trying to find all the information which will help me in that content. I also use my common sense and try to gather all the information which I posses already. I go through different writings by different authors and explore their thoughts and then I mix up my thoughts with their content and at the end the mixture of both knowledge I try to post on read cash that knowledge all together.

Proper headings

Use of proper heading really highlights your content and I always the prefer to use appropriate heading so that my content get greater attention from the audience. I also use different pictures in my content which also give attraction to it. These type of things improve the quality of content. I usually just post a thumbnail for my content when there is no need of putting any picture in it. Most of these pictures are from Unsplash and from my gallery. If you want to improve then I will suggest you that put unique gif in your content. The transition of GIF looks great and give cool vibe to content that is why I prefer GIF in content but the conflict is I don't know how to make those GIF. Hope so I will work over them and at one day I will be able to add GIF in my contents.

One hour per content

All these things almost took 1 over of me because I have to arrange the headings then I have to think that what type of pictures would be good for the content. But I think the hour which I give to read cash proves productive in my life as whenever I went to sleep on my bed I feel comfortable that I have done something good today I feel relaxed when I post content. It improves my typing skills before here I was not good enough in typing but read cash improves it. When I remain busy in doing different task like a if I talk about my yesterday then I was busy in travelling that's why I could not post anything on read cash. Last day I travelled a lot it would be about a 300 km. Answer the charging of my battery was not enough to post it was just for calling to my parents and I was not using mobile much during the journey. I was thinking to post on read cash but due to certain things I could not.

Situation on noisecash!

I am also intention because noise cash is not working well and this problem is not faced by me many users on noise cash so facing the same problem regarding their online wallet. I am also facing the same problem in my online wallet that I cannot receive my money in my online wallet every satoshi is on pending. I have about $0.24 Satoshi there but unable to join them with my wallet . First I was thinking that this is just happening with me but when I post about this situation on noise cash then I got to know that everyone is facing the same problem and going through the same situation.

I don't know when this will be solved !! Still struggling with this question in my mind .

Do let me know about your content !!

Stay connected and share your thoughts I am waiting for all of your response

Sponsors of Tahaintazar

Thanks to all my sponsors ❤️

$ 1.52
$ 1.48 from @Fizza1
$ 0.02 from @CrazyWrites
$ 0.01 from @Syra
+ 1
Avatar for Tahaintazar
2 years ago


Great. Your every post is appreciated. I follow all your post since I joined this platform and all are so beneficial for me to write my next post. Keep on!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also always try to do maximum research over content but sometimes i fail

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup some struggle I am doing to assure the quality of content because I am not a professional writer just trying to do best as much possible.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have been cracking my head since just to get hold of a meaningful topic to write but nothing is forth coming. Hahaha maybe I will just aleep

$ 0.00
2 years ago

wow, all your advice is really good, I already have a few months on this platform and I have learned to look for things that make me improve and there is one of your advice that I do not apply so thanks for it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago