Once more I will be using the verse from one of Lana Del Rey's songs as the inspiration. You can see my previous posts that were inspired by Lana here and here.
This verse from her song called 'Young and Beautiful' inspired me to write about true love. In this song she asks her lover will he still love her, when she is no longer young and beautiful. That made me think about love nowadays. Many people do not actually know what really love is.
If somenone loves you because you are beautiful or because you are rich, that is far away from love. You deserve to be loved because of who you are, not because of how you look like, or because how much money you have, what job you are doing, or where you are living.
Someone, who truly loves you will love you when you are no longer young, pretty, rich, skinny or whatever you are currently.
People are changing. You can lose weight, gain weight, you can earn money, lose money, you can and you will grow old, but in the inside you are the same person that you were. You still have your main characteristics. And, people who love you, will love you even when your body change, even when some of your characteristic change. You are growing up, and you are growing old, it is normal to like different things as you are getting older. But, if you were a good person, and someone loved because of that, that should not change, ever.
We need ot learn how to recognize who loves us becaus eof us, not bvecause of our beauty, our youth, our fast car, big house, good job, because of bank account.
And, when you lose those people, who loved you because of something else and not because of you, do not be sorry because of that, do not suffer. Just keep moving on. You deserve someone who will be better for you, you will find someone who will truly love you.
Of course, if you want to find someone, who will truly love you, you also have to learn how to love. Give to people you love the best of you, give them support, trust, attention, care... and all other positive things that people can give to each other.
Nowadays, people have less time for others, people have less time for love, and people have less time to take care about other people. It seems that people are taking more care of material things than of other people. We are giving our best to have as many tihngs as we can, and we are not paying attention to friends, partners, family, and other people that we love.
In my opinion, that should change. I am not talking only about love between partners here, we also need friends and family. You should not have more expensive things than friends.
tezke su ti stvari danas u glavi.