This movie is the remake of House of Wax (1953), whioch is also a remake itself of a movie called Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933).
A group of young people is going to Louisiana to watch a football game. They decide to spend one night camping int he woods, because thye have time to get to the game, and they decide to do not drive during the night. While they are camping in the woods mysterious strange man is watching them.
In the morning, they see that the car is broken, and because of that two of them, main character Carly, and her boyfriend Wade, have to go to the town that is near to the woods where they are, to find a part for the car that they need.
But, something is very weird in that small town. First of all, there is a big wax museum called House of Wax. And, figures in it are very realistic, and whole museum is made out of wax, walls, floors, doors, everything in the house. Is that normal? Who is the artist who is making those? Will they meet him? Dop they really want to meet him?
nd,the mysterious stranger that they have seen, is he dangerous? Is he the third brother? And, who are the first two brothers?
I recommend to everyone to watch this movie, and of course, if you can find the movies from 1933 and 1953, watch them too!~
Film iz 1933 i 1953 bih bas volela da pogledam. Nisam ljubitelj ovakvih filmova, uglavnom samo komedije gledam (moj muz ih zove limunade), ali me je sada bas onako zagolicalo kakva li je produkcija bila u 1933. :D