Today I just wanted to tell you that, no matter what you are passing trough, you can handle that. At the end, everything is going to be okay.
I am pretty sure that there are some good things that are waiting for you.
If you are dissappointed at the moment, that is okay, you just need to know that you are not alone, many other people are also passing trough something similar.
My advice is to try to find someone, who has the similar problem as you, it is always good to know that you are not alone.
Also, I am pretty sure that some good things are already happening to you, just maybe they are not important for you at the moment, and you are not paying any attention to those things because of that.
One day, you will be loved, and you will be happy. You just need to keep moving forwars, and you need to keep trying.
i always like to see positive though be optimistic and life is will be better no matter how is hard and dark in reality