Are we free?

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Avatar for SuncicaZ
4 years ago

“ Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy things we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off. ”

― Fight Club

Are we really cashing our dreams? Yes, we are!

Unfortunately, our dreams are usually something what we can buy, if we earn enough money, and that is why now, excpet our dream things, we have dream job, and we will not get our dream job, if we do not have our dream diploma.

Do we really need all those expensive things to be happy?

Imagine this.

You have your diploma, and you got your dream job, you are working 14 hours every single day, except Sunday. You are living in your big house, you have a big pool in the bach yard. You are driving the new Ferrari. You are eating expensive food, that of course, you are buying in restaurant near your house, because, you do not have time to prepare it. You are wearing expensive clothes, but usually at work, because, you usually go only to work, you are working hard, and you do not have free time. When you get to your big house from home, you do not swim in your pool, because you are too tired.

On Sundays, you are going to see your friends, and while you are witrh them, you are checking your phone all the time, maybe something connected to your job will appear on the screen. Your friends are also business people, and they are talking only about their dream jobs, and about their expensive things.

When you get home in the Sunday evening, you go to your big bedroom, and you are sleeping in your anatomy bed, alone. You do not have time to go on dates, and even if you are married, your partner is as tired as you are. He, or she does not have energy to talk to you, or to cuddle with you.

When you have kids, they attend the private schools, and they are studying how to be business people. Busy people. Tired people. Lonely people.

We are constantly afraid that we will lose something we have. Our job, our car, our home...

Is this reallyu what we want, to live in fear?

“It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.”

-Figth Club

When we do not have anything, we do not have anything to lose, and we are toally free.

I am not trying to tell you that you should leave everything you have and live on the street. What I am trying to say, is that you do not need expensive car or big house to be happy. We need to be loved, to have good friends.

And, even if we lose something, we need to know that tomorrow is the new chance.

You can always earn new money, buy new house... You cannot buy new love, new friend, new memory...

Do not let all those things pass by you!

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @varda42
Avatar for SuncicaZ
4 years ago


Very ininteresting. I have subscribe you.please everyone subscribe each other.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Dobar clanak. verujem da ljudi koji ive na nacin opisan u clanku nisu stvarno slobodni. za sebe sa druge strane verujem da jesam jer zivim u porodici koja se medjusobno voli i postuje, radim posao koji volim, a slobodno vreme provodim na nacin na koji zelim i sa ljudima koji su mi dragi.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Svi mi moramo da radimo nesto, i moramo da posedujemo neke stvari. Prosto, svi jedemo, svi spavamo, svi se oblaicmo. Dakle svima nam treba hrana, krevet, odeca, i svima nam je zbog toga potreban novac. Ono sto ljudio nekada ne shvataju jeste da posotje mnogo vaznije stvari od materijalnih, a to je upravo ono sto si navela, porodica, prijatelji, slobodno vreme.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Bas tako, a i mnogo se oslobodimo kada uspemo da se oslobodimo onoga " Sta ce da kaze svet"? Nusic je to fantasticno opisao u svojoj komediji, sta se desi kad " svetu" dopustimo da nam kroji zivot.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very interesting writing

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes we are free if you imagine how hard when you go back in the time of ancient times ladies don't have any abilities to do and they discriminating ladies, but look at now ladies are the most powerful in modern age. And being free is free but now I don't think Soo if we're free because of pandemic we can't even go to school, we can't even go to our friends because of pandemic we can't even breathe comfortably because of mask we can't even travel I think we're not free anymore.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

In the ancient times people had slaves. Rich people could buy or sell their slaves, they could even kill. Slaves did not have any rights, law was not same for everyone. And, nowadays, are we free? I am not talking about pandemic. I am talking about our jobs, about world that we are living in. If we od not have job, we do not have chance to live. We have to work for living. And that is why we are not free.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is a movie I can watch again. Very interesting and dynamic, with a specific story. I believe that many people do not grasp the real point of the film when they first watch it. The lesson is much deeper than the action the film contains. The inner struggle of man, the inner demons are what needs to be paid attention to, in order to understand how real the story of this film is and how much it can be connected to real life. I would just like to add that the cast is excellent. Well done on choosing a topic for the article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think that every single person sees this movie in a specific way. I do not see it same as you see it. Main character at first wants to have everything, he loves his things, his job, they are most important in his life. And, his alter ego, Tyler, wants to lose everything, wants to have nothing, and wants to be free. Main character is going from one extremeness to another one. He is alive and dead at the same time, at the same time he is slave and he is free.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Uvek sam zheleo da osetim dodir

Novac u rukama

Lepljiv od znoja i masan od krvi

Novac u rukama

Voli ne voli me voli ne voli me

Novac u rukama

Kupi me, prodaj me

Kupi me, prodaj me

Novac u rukama

Velika, chista, poslovna zgrada

Novac u rukama

Prljavo djubre na ulazu grada

Novac u rukama

Voli me ne voli me voli ne voli

Voli me voli me -- ne voli, ne voli

Novac u rukama

Kupi me, prodaj me

Kupi me, prodaj me

Novac u rukama

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This song is nice, I like it. Money is actually need of every person, and we should accpet that. But, also we need to know that money is not our only need, and money is not our mostimportant neeed. We also need things that we can not buy with money. For example love, true friends, kids, and many pther things, that actually are not things. Things that we can sell if we are not careful, but we can not buy them ever!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow jako dobar post mozda i najbolji sto sam ovdje naisao ! Bravo

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hvala puno! Jako mi je drago da vidim da se ovaj post, i ova tema dopadaju ljudima ovde. Ja jako volim ovaj film, i poruku ovog filma, zato sam zelela da prodiskutujem sa svima vama ovde o tome. Da cujem sta o filmu misle oni koji su ga pogledali, i da ga preporucim svima koji ga nisu gledali do sada. Definitivno je jedan od boljih i poucnijih filmova svih vremena.

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4 years ago

NO. kratko i jasno, niko od nas nije slobodan, samo manje ili vise moze ziveti u iluziji slobode, s obzirom da je nekima moguce da se svojevoljno krecu u zadatim okvirima pa ih to dovede u zabludu

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Covek vise nije pravno zavisan od drugog coveka, ali je zato ekonomski zavisan. Vise niko ne moze da nas proda, ali da bismo jeli moramo da radimo, moramo da budemo fini prema poslodavcu, prema stanodavcu... To je upravo ono sto nam Tejlor pokazuje u filmu, on nije fin ni prema kome, cak ni prema samom sebi. On zeli da se oslobodi svih stega, i na taj nacin on ide u jednu krajnost. Sa druge strane, bezimeni narator je rob svojih stvari, on je u drugoj krajnosti. Gde se oni srecu? I da li oni mogu da se sretnu? Ko prelazi na ciju stranu? Da li se srecu na pola puta?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

When was the last time you were free? Really free? From work, worries, obligations, problems? To ride a good wave through life. Because everything is good, and what is not, will be. Yes, it's that simple.

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4 years ago

We are not free. We are not slaves like slaves from ancient Roma, but we are some kind of slaves. We have to work, we have to live somewhere, we have to eat. And, we will never be totally free. Even, if you are a freelancer, you are not free. You need money to buy food. Even, if we are making food for ourselves, we are not free. The point is that we can never be totally free. But, we also do not have to be slaves all the time.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We are not free because we choose not to want freedom because we have to fit into this slave-owning society, sometimes I want to go somewhere to produce my own food and be without electricity, without the internet and other modern unnecessary things

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Perhaps this situation with the pandemic will help change the state of humanity’s mantra, not to run after unimportant things.

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4 years ago

After watching the movie "Fight Club", I was thinking about all the things that I own, and about all the things that I want to have. And, I relaized that I do not need many of those things. Did I throw all the things that I do not need? No. Do I still wish all those things that I realized I do not need? Yes, most of them I still want to have. We need to change the way of thining.

$ 0.00
4 years ago