money squanderer!
It has been a lot of days now since I knew him, what should I do? Is it to put a blame on him or what can I do to make things easier for him. Maybe he is helpless and I am not the perfect person to help him at the moment. He is my colleague at work, over the past few days that I started working, I noticed and observed him as a very gentle guy, even though we do not work together on the same desk. I don't know more than what I see when we are together in the morning.
Lovely writers on here, it has been a very difficult for me to even write 2-minute post as I already feels stressed out after every overnight work that I do. I can not deny it that adulthood can be very stressful and fraustrating and how much more would it be being a parent. I hope that it will be much more easier for me because I will have my big boys to help me with little personal house chores, like ironing my clothes. It costs me a lot of time and energy to put things in order and I believe that it is because I am not used to it.
Back to the main part of this post, there is one of my colleagues that I have seen many people complaining about behind his back these few days of working where I do work and the complain is that he owed them money. Well, I felt much concerned but I don't want to be like a bad while trying to do something tangible and that is why your comment can actually save a life tomorrow, so I need it in the comments section below.
What I noticed about him is that he spends lavishly and eats a lot, even though he already had a family of his own but yet his friends are the ones that makes him to squander money here and there. These friends of his are also working in the same firm, we are all colleagues, but yet he spends much of his own salary on them. He takes them to beer parlour every weekend. Well, I don't know how to advise him on this because even though his friends benefits from his money, whenever he is broke, he begins to borrow money up and down and his friends do gossip behind him when he is not there.
Thank you for your lovely comments dear and I appreciate your time for reading through!
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This post is written by Success.1
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A certain harsh relationship decision story (
Stressful days every day (
Watch out for my next post
well, what I see in him is indiscipline. And the truth remains you can't help him much until he sees how bad his lifestyle is and the consequences before he may begin to have step back.
Help him to see how bad the circle of friends he is going out with are.