Bitter song after love!

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2 years ago
Topics: Family

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This is strange to me and believe me, I wonder what could be going through your mind that would make you to think of divorce. Why the divorce? Why do we have to say goodbye to the person that came to our life with smiles, why do we tell them to go away.

Ever since I knew about falling in love, has always been a thing that every young man and young woman looks up to do one day or the other. I have seen one or two people who talks about falling in love as though it worth a million fold of gladness to them and yet they did not see relationship as a thing that is worthy of treasure what they say.

The relationship tenure that have been so long easy for people so far is short time relationship where a young man dates a lady for a short while and at the end of the short time of passion and desire, things turns out in another direction as though the relationship never existed before. That is strange to me.

I have been trying to observe few things about relationship before diving on but the more I see, the more complicated and boring it becomes to me. I have seen a relationship that is very tough at the beginning and after a short or long while, they get along with each other. They become the best of friends and their love becomes stronger day after day.

That is what I observed about my a man and his wife. A man who fell in love with the lady of his dream. I said lady of her dream because he always talk about his lover each time he comes to visit his friends at home. He would tell his friends so much amazing things about the woman and his friends thought the two lover were going to make a perfect match for life but unfortunately, five years after wedding, the woman declared that she is no more interested in the relationship

What are the things that can cause divorce in relationship?

#1 No love

What's the divorce all about? She said the man is no more romantic to her simply because he would not give time for long hug, kiss and cuddle like ever before. How long should long hug and kiss continue for when we now have other responsibilities to handle?

Is that enough for divorce? Maybe yes or maybe No, but at the end, she got divorced. Being romantic with your partner is a very essential thing which should not be overlooked, this is because it goes a long way in relationship. Most women value this in their relationship even more than money.

However, for any man that have a sense of responsibility and holds working hard as the first thing in their priority list. It will be very difficult for them to ignore their work at any point in time, hence, it becomes a burden for them to also consider that their relationship affairs also require for them to relate with their partners in and out. It's necessary to take time to cuddle you partner to sleep. I believe that if there is no romance in relationship, there is no love.

#2-staggering bottle

Relationship is strong and we realise what we have been building on when we are in courtships or still dating each other. If you have a partner who smokes Indian hemp before you get married or takes hard drugs or even get drunk and you are thinking that it doesn't matter, it matters.

Drinking alcohol have many impact on relationship these days and has broken several homes, because, the man ends up beating the wife day after day until the woman will not be able to keep up with it. Even with what I have seen, men even steal money from their wives' money to drink alcohol and then come back to beat the woman. Imposing assault on a woman is not a good thing to do at all.

At the end of the day,this also will lead to divorce unavoidably. Yet it could be avoided, once it doesn't stop before wedding, it might never stop.

#3-Lack of control


If a couple lacks financial stability in life, it means they will lacks control. Money is a very important thing in a relationship. We all need money as human beings. If there is no money, relationship between couple will be one side bent. They won't be able to take care of their children and that's very undesirable. Divorce could come in because of lack of fund as well. Yet if one partners earn, the second person can support to help improve the earnings

If the couple lack understanding too, maybe because of past events or circumstances that occurred by mistake in the past, it could be cheating, trust may be lost and this could also lead to misunderstanding. If misunderstanding continues for a long time as well, there is high tendency for break up to occur. Get to the root and solve the problems. Make your relationship a beautiful one and desireable.

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2 years ago
Topics: Family


Couldn’t agree more. Absolutely right.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A lot of things can cause divorce but these ones you stated are actually the major problem... Both partners should always be romantic to each other in order to build the relationship better and stronger

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have that promise for my future partner but I need to be rich to do that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amen, by God grace we all will

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When there exist emptiness in the heart the couole loose the feeling that they once were so naive about then and this mostly reault to the so called divorce but to prevent this is a very easy but difficult thing to do becasue it requires the heart.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, so many times people hardly take decision from what they say and only little takes decision from their heart

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We have different vision of life, but for me I couldn't agree about it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What we different vision but some people could be not active and not ready to help themselves

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would agree with the #Staggering bottle. Drinking alcohol doesn't bring any good in a relationship coz when someone is in a drunkard state, he,/she might done some awful things

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have witnessed many cases of that before and that is why I believe that it is universal

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I agree. That cases is really universal coz everywhere has some alcohols for sale

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wouldn't go into a relationship until I have more than enough money!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmm... I'm sure you will have enough time to show love to your partner when you become rich.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Infatuation can also lead to divorce, just like getting married and the love fades after a little time and then because the relationship wasn't really built on love,it crushes and then divorce

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true dear friend, but I believe that love fades when you consider another thing as priority

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that's also true

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for stopping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago