We understand the meaning of health only when we are sick.
Hello dear friends, How are you all? By the grace of God I am fine. I have been very sick for the past few days.
When people are sick, they understand how great a blessing God's health is. We don't understand until we are sick.
Sore throat :
I had a severe sore throat for quite some time. I could not eat any food. Had to be in a lot of trouble. Even if I wanted to talk, I felt sad. It was difficult to drink water. Even taking medicine did not reduce. So yesterday brought medicine again . By the grace of God I am cured by taking that medicine but the pain is still not completely cured. It is difficult to eat rice. Throat runs when eating due to sore throat. And I am very sleepy after taking this medicine. So it's too late to take a shower today. I don't know what will happen to me tomorrow.
Headache :
Today the headache started again as the sore throat did not go away. Lots of headaches now. I sat down to write the article with great difficulty. Nothing feels good because of the headache. Please pray for me to get well soon. There is not much time left for the final exam. I do not want to study due to laziness and illness. There is still a lot to read. Please pray that I can complete my studies soon and get good results.
Health is a great blessing of Allah, I understood when I was sick. So we should always thank Allah. May Allah bless us all with a healthy and happy life.
Thank you dear friend @Ellawrites for your valuable sponsorship payment. You are the only friend he has been with me since the beginning. May your bitcoin cash grow richer. Let the rain of BCS fall on your wallet.
I wrote the article yesterday after a long time. I didn't think you would remember me. Thanks everyone for reading my article and remembering me. Much love to all friends.
Exactly dear, health is a great blessing, we should appreciate it, and taking care about our body. I pray for you to get well soon dear. Just get rest and don't have stress...