Little baby girl.
Hello friends! How are you all? I am very busy so the article is not being written. Again, my test did not end. Reading, exams are all very busy. There is also a test tomorrow. Tomorrow is my last test exam.
Little baby
I have been in the hospital for three days now. My sister gave birth to a beautiful little girl. The little hands and feet look so cute. I can't sleep in the middle. Babu is sleeping less at night. Crying almost all the time. Laughing in sleep. He is watching, playing with small hands and feet. So I have been in the clinic for three days. Pray for Babu and for my sister.
My sister has 2 daughters. The eldest daughter is three years old.
My sister's eldest daughter's name is Mayisha. The older girl is also playing, caressing and kissing the younger one. Playing with little babu. The eldest daughter is visiting all the clinics.
Thanks to all the friends who still remember me. I can't write because of my busy schedule. When all the busyness is over, I will start writing again. Thanks everyone for reading my article.
There is no time to read someone's article. I try to read everyone's articles but there is no time. I will try to read the article after finishing my exam.
Congratulations to your sis for another new member in the family. Hope she becomes the little queen of her and I pray for her healthy life.