Successful people, above all, have a clear vision of what they want and what they want from life. People who have a vision of their goal can describe it in detail even before they reach it. The key feature of the successful is also truthfulness, which enables the ability of self-assessment and realistic assessment of others, circumstances, possibilities ... Success does not tolerate illusions, either about oneself or external reality. If we have passed these first and important "obstacles", we need to persevere on the way to the goal. Those who are successful in life consciously and intentionally take care of themselves and manage themselves, because if you are not behind the wheel of your life, life will "drive" you. Successful people actively care about their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. They constantly invest in themselves, in the development of self-management skills, maintain a balance between different aspects of their life, do not burn in one life category while creating chaos in another. Successful people solve problems and challenges in life according to their hierarchy. They do not allow them to do what came to them, what is urgent, what someone else started ...
Life is like a game between a "team of success" and a "team of failure" that takes place within ourselves. A good illustration of that struggle is an old Indian story in which an old Indian tells his grandson how he feels. He tells him, “It’s like I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is vindictive and violent, the other is compassionate and benevolent. "The grandson asks him," And which wolf will win in your heart !? "" The one I will feed, "the grandfather replies. we want from life, what are our essential desires and goals, or misconceptions about what success is and how to achieve it.For some, failure comes from a lack of ambition and willingness to fight to achieve goals, from laziness, the expectation of instant success, There are also those who do not lack ambition, but do not have clear strategies but act “like a headless fly”, are superficial in planning and organization, some unsuccessful people blame others for their own failures and thus do not face their shortcomings. There are also those who are passive, who expect something to happen "on their own", fateful, or refuse to work, have a need to get something or a lot for nothing. Reasons for failure can be the inability to learn from others , repulsion t towards authority, distrust, envy, fear of both success and failure, indecision, excessive caution ...
This is my official entry for the $1 Question Contest hosted by @Eirolfeam2
Uspeh je relativna stvar jer nismo svi isti i nemamo svi ista ocekivanja.Nekom je uspeh kad zaradi mnogo para,nekom kad ima moc nad drugima,nekom je uspeh da odhrani decu,nekom je uspeh preziveti dan. Mogla bih ovako nabrajati do sutra.