It was an amazing phenomenon. A unique showman, , charmer, genius, authentic in everything he did. He was able to make us laugh and make us cry. It was, in a word, a phenomenon. He was also "Index Radio Theater" and "The Last Game of Butterflies", a band whose success he described as "a perfect combination of five good jokes and two false tones". Those who knew Nesha, his art, wit and sense of humor, begin the story of him with the words that "the kindness of some people and their spirit remain to vibrate in the city's horizon long after they leave, so we have no impression that they really left us."
"Time stands still now, so I don't think about eternal darkness. And when the time comes to travel, I'll buy tickets for good places."
On the back of the doctor's prescription are these few words that he wrote down only the day before he left forever, on February 12, 1990, thirty years ago.
"Let there be a day, when the wild birds cross the same bridge, I will cross ... If your shadow is waiting for me there, I will not say anything, because I will only be a trace of a man, and I will be the leader of the tramps."
And we will never know where rare people like Nesha butterfly. Or we will, when the time comes for us to cross the bridge ourselves.
Bio je jedna neverovatna pojava. Neponovljivi šoumen, šmeker, šarmer, genijalac, autentičan u svemu što je radio. Umeo je i da nas nasmeje i da nas rasplače. Bio je, jednom rečju, fenomen. Bio je i "Indeksovo radio pozorište" i "Poslednja igra leptira", bend čiji je uspeh opisivao kao "savršenu kombinaciju pet dobrih fora i dva falš tona". Oni koji su poznavali Nešu, njegovu umetnost, vrcavost i smisao za humor, priču o njemu počinju rečima da "dobrota nekih ljudi i njihov duh ostaju da titraju gradskim vidokrugom još dugo nakon što odu, pa nemamo utisak da su nas zaista napustili"
"Vreme sada stoji, pa o večnom mraku ne razmišljam. A kad dođe vreme za putovanje, kupiću karte za dobra mesta".
Na poleđini lekarskog recepta ostalo je ovih nekoliko reči koje je zapisao samo dan pre nego što je zauvek otišao, 12. februara 1990. Pre trideset godina.
"Nek' bude dan, kad divlje ptice krenu preko istog mosta ja ću preći... Ako me tamo čeka tvoja senka, ništa neću reći, jer biću samo trag čoveka, i biću vođa skitnica".
A kuda odlaze retki ljudi kao što je Neša Leptir, nikada nećemo saznati. Ili hoćemo, onda kada nam dođe vreme da i sami pređemo most.
Jedna od omiljenih mojih pesama, Jeleni umiru sami...
Umiru jeleni i sad u meni tamo gde si bila slomilo se jutro ko ti je rekao da snovi tamne nikad neću znati jer biću samo trag čoveka i biću vođa skitnica.
Nek bude dan kad divlje ptice krenu preko istog mosta ja ću preći ako me tamo čeka tvoja senka ništa neću reći jer biću samo trag čoveka i biću vođa skitnica. Refren: Ne brini, ne brini jeleni umiru sami